HTML Notification doesn't include graphs anymore - Failed to fetch graphs - connection refused

Hi Norm,

thanks for your input.

On the check_mk server itself (the localhost) curl of http://localhost:5000/DEHA/check_mk/… resolves in an error: curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 5000: Connection refused

But if I use IP instead of localhost everything is fine. So I guess apache is blocking localhost.

I enabled https for the server following this documentation:

This is the apache configuration file for my check_mk site:

# version: 2
# This file is managed by 'omd' and will automatically be overwritten. Better do not edit manually

# Make sure that symlink /omd does not make problems
<Directory />
  Options +FollowSymlinks

<IfModule mod_proxy_http.c>
  ProxyRequests Off
  ProxyPreserveHost On

    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

  <Location /DEHA>
    # Setting "retry=0" to prevent 60 second caching of problem states e.g. when
    # the site apache is down and someone tries to access the page.
    # "disablereuse=On" prevents the apache from keeping the connection which leads to
    # wrong devlivered pages sometimes
    ProxyPass retry=0 disablereuse=On timeout=120

<IfModule !mod_proxy_http.c>
  Alias /DEHA /omd/sites/DEHA
  <Directory /omd/sites/DEHA>
    Deny from all
    ErrorDocument 403 "<h1>Checkmk: Incomplete Apache Installation</h1>You need mod_proxy and
    mod_proxy_http in order to run the web interface of Checkmk."

<Location /DEHA>
  ErrorDocument 503 "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='60'><h1>Checkmk: Site Not Started</h1>You need to start this site in order to access the web interface.<!-- IE shows its own short useless error message otherwise: placeholder -->"

This could already be the reason ( I am not that experienced in apache configuration). I will try to figure out if I also can add LOCALHOST into that configuration.

I am grateful for suggestions on this.

Thanks & Regards,