HW/SW-Inventur über die Konsole

Hallo, mit der Option -i oder --inventory kannst du das dem cmk Befehl mitgeben. Über -v kannst du dazu auch den verbosen Modus einschalten.

-i, --inventory Does a HW/SW-Inventory for all, one or several hosts. If you
  add the option -f, --force then persisted sections will be used even if they
  are outdated.

  Additional options:

   -f, --force         Use cached agent data even if it's outdated.


   Additional options:

    --hw-changes S      Use monitoring state S for HW changes
    --sw-changes S      Use monitoring state S for SW changes
    --sw-missing S      Use monitoring state S for missing SW packages info
    --inv-fail-status S Use monitoring state S in case of error
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