Index Error using ra32e_sensors


I am getting the below when adding a temperature sensor.

**Exception **

IndexError (list index out of range)

**Traceback **

** File “/omd/sites/netmon/lib/python/cmk_base/data_sources/”, line 299, in _update_with_parse_function**
** return parse_function(section_content)**
** File “/omd/sites/wcss/share/check_mk/checks/ra32e_sensors”, line 53, in parse_ra32e_sensors**
** [‘Internal’, ‘Internal’, ‘Heat Index’], internal[0]):**

**Local Variables **

{‘info’: [[], []],
** ‘internal’: [],**
** ‘parsed’: {‘humidity’: {}, ‘power’: {}, ‘temperature’: {}, ‘voltage’: {}},**
** ‘sensors’: [],**
** ‘type_of’: <function type_of at 0x7fc9a2f19488>}**

Any help greatly appriciated.

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