Install Check_mk agent on HPUX server

Hi Sara,

Please find the steps below,

  1. Create check_mk user

useradd -u 50002 -g 20 -m -d /home/check_mk -s /usr/bin/ksh check_mk

  1. Set password for the user

passwd check_mk

  1. create the below mentioned directory and assign the required permissions

mkdir /home/check_mk/checkmk/bin

chown check_mk:users /home/check_mk/checkmk/bin

chmod 700 /home/check_mk/checkmk/bin

  1. Copy the check_mk_agent.hpux file under /home/check_mk/checkmk/bin location and assign the necessary permission

chown check_mk:users /home/check_mk/checkmk/bin/check_mk_agent.hpux

chmod 700 /home/check_mk/checkmk/bin/check_mk_agent.hpux

  1. Copy the ssh key in /home/check_mk/.ssh/authorized_keys
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