Internal error: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '' when opening main dashboard

CMK version: 2.1.0
OS version: Debian 10

After upgrading from 2.0.0p24 to the new 2.1.0 release I get an error displayed when I try to open the main dashboard.
Error message: Internal error: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

Any hints how to get rid of this?

Edit: Screenshot added

I have found a solution. I have copied the main dashboard in the 2.0 and modified it a bit. Added some Metrics and Tables. During the update the dashboard somehow got corrupted. I have rebuild it from scratch, now it is working again as expected.

I have the same problem after upgrading my personal raw instance from 2.0.0p23 to 2.1.0p1
I fear we could run into this problem at work where the main view is probably customized by dozenā€™s of colleagues and i donā€™t want to be the guy to tell all of them that they have to recreate their dashboards.

is there any way on finding out what customization parameter might cause the error? i added some host tag filters to some views and replaced the hexagon statistic fields with a network interface graph.
Iā€™m not a developer but looking at the traceback it looks like some functions for timerange calculation of graphs might be involved.

some info from the error reporting:


ValueError (invalid literal for int() with base 10: '')


  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/wsgi/applications/", line 241, in _process_request
    resp = page_handler()
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/wsgi/applications/", line 56, in _call_auth
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/", line 194, in <lambda>
    return (lambda hc: lambda: hc().handle_page())(handle_class)
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/", line 47, in handle_page
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/", line 164, in <lambda>
    "page": lambda self: self._wrapped_callable[0](),
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/", line 518, in page_dashboard
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/", line 643, in draw_dashboard
    "on_resize_dashlets": _get_resize_dashlets(dashlets),
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/", line 711, in _get_resize_dashlets
    on_resize = get_dashlet_on_resize(dashlet)
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/", line 1494, in get_dashlet_on_resize
    on_resize = dashlet.on_resize()
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/plugins/dashboard/", line 333, in on_resize
    return self._reload_js()
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/plugins/dashboard/", line 349, in _reload_js
  File "/omd/sites/sandsite/lib/python3/cmk/gui/", line 4617, in compute_range
    count = int(rangespec[:-1])

Local Variables

{'_date_span': <function Timerange.compute_range.<locals>._date_span at 0x7fac2adceee0>,
 '_fixed_dates': <function Timerange.compute_range.<locals>._fixed_dates at 0x7fac2aba5430>,
 '_month_edge_days': <function Timerange.compute_range.<locals>._month_edge_days at 0x7fac2ad84160>,
 'now': 1654103495.080602,
 'rangespec': '0'}

Are you sure the update was done without errors?
Please check ~/var/log/update.log

i didnā€™t notice anything out of the ordinary, the log seems fine:

2022-06-01 18:54:31 - Updating site 'sandsite' from version 2.0.0p23.cre to 2.1.0p1.cre...

 * Installed dir  var/log/agent-receiver
 * Identical new  etc/omd
 * Installed file etc/mk-livestatus/livestatus.socket
 * Updated        etc/mk-livestatus/nagios.cfg
 * Installed file etc/mk-livestatus/livestatus@.service
 * Updated        etc/nagvis/apache.conf
 * Installed link etc/rc.d/10-agent-receiver
 * Updated        etc/nagios/nagios.d/misc.cfg
 * Updated        etc/nagios/conf.d/check_mk_templates.cfg
 * Installed dir  etc/stunnel/conf.d
 * Updated        etc/stunnel/server.conf
 * Installed file etc/stunnel/conf.d/01-livestatus.conf
 * Installed file etc/omd/allocated_ports
 * Updated        etc/ssl/misc/
 * Updated        etc/apache/conf.d/security.conf
 * Updated        etc/apache/conf.d/omd.conf
 * Updated        etc/apache/conf.d/02_fcgid.conf
 * Updated        etc/apache/conf.d/01_wsgi.conf
 * Updated        etc/check_mk/apache.conf
 * Installed file etc/logrotate.d/agent-receiver
 * Installed file etc/logrotate.d/agent-registration
 * Updated        etc/init.d/xinetd
 * Updated        etc/init.d/pnp_gearman_worker
 * Installed file etc/init.d/agent-receiver
 * Updated        etc/init.d/redis
 * Permissions    0755 -> 0775 etc/init.d/mkeventd
 * Updated        etc/init.d/stunnel
 * Vanished       etc/nagios/conf.d/jmx4perl_nagios.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/websphere/threads.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/websphere/appstate.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/websphere/jms.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/websphere/http.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/websphere/jdbc.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/websphere/jca.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/websphere.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/jboss7.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/glassfish.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/tomcat.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/weblogic.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/threads.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/jetty.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/common.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/metrics.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/memory.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/jboss.cfg
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config/websphere
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl/config
 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl
 * Vanished       .j4p
Creating temporary filesystem /omd/sites/sandsite/tmp...OK
Executing update-pre-hooks script "02_cmk-update-config"...
-| Initializing application...
-| Updating Checkmk configuration...
-| ATTENTION: Some steps may take a long time depending on your installation, e.g. during major upgrades.
-|  1/25 Rewriting password store...
-|  2/25 Migrate Visuals context...
-|  3/25 Migrate dashlets...
-|  4/25 Update global settings...
-|  5/25 Rewriting tags...
-|  6/25 Rewriting hosts and folders...
-|  7/25 Rewriting rulesets...
-| Replacing ruleset non_inline_snmp_hosts with snmp_backend_hosts
-|  8/25 Rewriting autochecks...
-|  9/25 Cleanup version specific caches...
-|  10/25 Migrating fs_used name...
-|  11/25 Migrate pagetype topics...
-|  12/25 Migrate LDAP connections...
-|  13/25 Rewrite BI Configuration...
-| Skipping conversion of (already done)
-|  14/25 Set version specific user attributes...
-|  15/25 Rewriting inventory data...
-| Skipping py2 inventory data update (already done)
-|  16/25 Migrate audit log...
-| No audit log present. Skipping.
-|  17/25 Sanitize audit log (Werk #13330)...
-| Skipping (already done)
-|  18/25 Rename discovered host label files...
-|  19/25 Rewriting host, service or contact groups...
-|  20/25 Rewriting notification configuration for ServiceNow...
-|  21/25 Renewing certificates without server name extension...
-| Copied certificate to /omd/sites/sandsite/etc/ssl/sites/sandsite.pem.bak
-| Creating new certificate...
-|  22/25 Adding site CA to trusted CAs...
-|  23/25 Rewrite mknotifyd config for central site...
-|  24/25 Rewriting InfluxDB connections...
-|  25/25 Disabling unsafe EC rules...
-| Done
Executing update-pre-hooks script "01_mkp-disable-outdated"...OK
Updating core configuration...
Finished update.

This should do the job.
Would be good to see what dashlet type is ignored here.

You could search for ā€˜timerangeā€™: ā€˜0ā€™ in ~/var/check_mk/web/USERNAME/
USERNAME is the name of the user who is the owner of the dashboard.

yes there is exactly that string on my WAN Network Graph dashlet on the old Dashboard:

'source': 'bandwidth', 'timerange': '0', 'title': 'WAN Monitor last 4 hours',

my newly recreated Dashboard has a different timerange value of 4 hours in seconds which is the setting of both graphs:

'source': 'bandwidth', 'timerange': 14400,

i checked my backup from before the update and it also had ā€˜timerangeā€™: ā€˜0ā€™

is 3/25 Migrate dashlets... supposed to upgrade this value?

yes, it should be.
Do you know with which version the affected dashboard was generated?
I tried up to 1.6 but had no luck reproducing this

In my case it was 2.0p0.

Iā€™m sure that it was 2.0 but i donā€™t know the exact patch version

Same problem here with default cmk dashboards

  • Main dashboard
  • Windows hosts
    Problem while rendering dashboard element 5 of type combined_graph: Failed to calculate a graph recipeā€¦ Have a look at var/log/web.log for further information.

root@srvcmk03:/opt/omd/sites/comline_intern/var/log# tail -f web.log
raise self._init_exception
File ā€œ/omd/sites/comline_intern/lib/python3/cmk/gui/plugins/dashboard/graph.pyā€, line 190, in init
File ā€œ/omd/sites/comline_intern/lib/python3/cmk/gui/plugins/dashboard/graph.pyā€, line 207, in init_graph
raise MKGeneralException(
(ā€œFailed to calculate a graph recipe.ā€))
cmk.utils.exceptions.MKGeneralException: Failed to calculate a graph recipe.

my update.log
| 8/25 Rewriting autochecksā€¦
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜usv-socomecā€™, plugin=ā€˜ups_out_loadā€™, ruleset=ā€˜ups_out_loadā€™, params=(85, 90), error=AssertionError(ā€˜Dictionary.transform_value() got a non-dict: (85, 90)ā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜usv-socomecā€™, plugin=ā€˜ups_out_loadā€™, ruleset=ā€˜ups_out_loadā€™, params=(85, 90), error=AssertionError(ā€˜Dictionary.transform_value() got a non-dict: (85, 90)ā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜usv-socomecā€™, plugin=ā€˜ups_out_loadā€™, ruleset=ā€˜ups_out_loadā€™, params=(85, 90), error=AssertionError(ā€˜Dictionary.transform_value() got a non-dict: (85, 90)ā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™), (ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)

-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.ā€™, ā€˜3ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.
ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| Transform failed: host=ā€˜srvrobotcmkā€™, plugin=ā€˜robotmkā€™, ruleset=ā€˜robotmkā€™, params={ā€˜robot_discovery_settingsā€™: [(ā€™.*ā€™, ā€˜2ā€™, ā€˜ā€™)]}, error=AssertionError(ā€˜non-empty params vanishedā€™)
-| 9/25 Cleanup version specific cachesā€¦
-| 10/25 Migrating fs_used nameā€¦
-| 11/25 Migrate pagetype topicsā€¦
-| 12/25 Migrate LDAP connectionsā€¦
-| 13/25 Rewrite BI Configurationā€¦
-| Skipping conversion of (already done)
-| 14/25 Set version specific user attributesā€¦
-| 15/25 Rewriting inventory dataā€¦
-| Skipping py2 inventory data update (already done)
-| 16/25 Migrate audit logā€¦
-| No audit log present. Skipping.
-| 17/25 Sanitize audit log (Werk #13330)ā€¦
-| Skipping (already done)
-| 18/25 Rename discovered host label filesā€¦
-| 19/25 Rewriting host, service or contact groupsā€¦
-| 20/25 Rewriting notification configuration for ServiceNowā€¦
-| 21/25 Renewing certificates without server name extensionā€¦
-| Copied certificate to /omd/sites/comline_intern/etc/ssl/sites/comline_intern.pem.bak
-| Creating new certificateā€¦
-| 22/25 Adding site CA to trusted CAsā€¦
-| 23/25 Rewrite mknotifyd config for central siteā€¦
-| 24/25 Rewriting InfluxDB connectionsā€¦
-| 25/25 Disabling unsafe EC rulesā€¦
-| Done

Hello Community

I got the same exact issue after upgrading from 2.0p20+ to latest 2.1

Iā€™ve checked the - I could not find any zero timerange " 'timerange': '0' ".

In my file : timerange are eather in seconds exp : 'timerange': 321654
explicit Hours or days like this : 'timerange': '25h' 'timerange': '35d'

This happens if the dashboard was created with a custom topic in 2.0 (and time specific dashlets like performance graphs).
Fix is currently in review and will be included in the next patch release

Possible workaround is to change the topic of the affected dashboard to a builtin topic and run ā€œcmk-update-configā€ as site user again. The dashboard should be ok after that and you can change back to the custom topic

but I ve the problem with unchanged default dashboards too.

you refer to this?

Thatā€™s not the same problem.
The main dashboard is the builtin with no changes? Maybe this is related to the autochecks section problems in your update.log

There are other dashbords with problems.
I will post a list monday.

Here the list with the error message
main dashboard
Internal error: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ā€˜ā€™

An internal error occured while processing your request. You can report this issue to the Checkmk team to help fixing this issue. Please open the crash report page and use the form for reporting the problem.
Linux Hosts
Problem while rendering dashboard element 4 of type combined_graph: Failed to calculate a graph recipeā€¦ Have a look at var/log/web.log for further information.
Windows Host
Problem while rendering dashboard element 4 of type combined_graph: Failed to calculate a graph recipeā€¦ Have a look at var/log/web.log for further information.


Computers store numbers in a variety of different ways. Python has two main ones. Integers, which store whole numbers (ā„¤), and floating point numbers, which store real numbers (ā„). You need to use the right one based on what you require. This error message invalid literal for int() with base 10 would seem to indicate that you are passing a string thatā€™s not an integer to the int() function . In other words itā€™s either empty, or has a character in it other than a digit.

You can solve this error by using Python isdigit() method to check whether the value is number or not. The returns True if all the characters are digits, otherwise False .

val = "10.10"
if val.isdigit():

The other way to overcome this issue is to wrap your code inside a Python tryā€¦except block to handle this error.

Or if you are trying to convert a float string (eg. ā€œ10.10ā€) to an integer, simply calling float first then converting that to an int will work:

output = int(float(input))

same problem when Iā€™m opening the builtin dashboard ā€œWindows hostsā€ with the graphs

ā€œcpu: processor queue averagesā€,
ā€œDisks: Wait timeā€ and
ā€œDisks: Queue lengthsā€

Problem while rendering dashboard element 4 of type combined_graph: Failed to calculate a graph recipeā€¦ Have a look at var/log/web.log for further information.

Problem while rendering dashboard element 5 of type combined_graph: Failed to calculate a graph recipeā€¦ Have a look at var/log/web.log for further information.

Problem while rendering dashboard element 10 of type combined_graph: Failed to calculate a graph recipeā€¦ Have a look at var/log/web.log for further information.

after update from 2.0.0p20.cee to 2.0.0p29.cee and after this update to 2.1.0p16.cee.

tail -n 70 ~/var/log/update.log
	OMD[mycmk]:~$ tail -n 70 ~/var/log/update.log
	 * Vanished       etc/jmx4perl
	 * Vanished       .j4p
	Creating temporary filesystem /omd/sites/mycmk/tmp...OK
	Executing update-pre-hooks script "01_mkp-disable-outdated"...OK
	Executing update-pre-hooks script "02_cmk-update-config"...
	-| Initializing application...
	-| Updating Checkmk configuration...
	-| ATTENTION: Some steps may take a long time depending on your installation, e.g. during major upgrades.
	-|  1/28 Rewriting password store...
	-|  2/28 Migrate Visuals context...
	-|  3/28 Update global settings...
	-|  4/28 Rewriting tags...
	-|  5/28 Rewriting hosts and folders...
	-|  6/28 Rewriting rulesets...
	-| Found deprecated ruleset: non_inline_snmp_hosts
	-| Replacing ruleset non_inline_snmp_hosts with snmp_backend_hosts
	-|  WARN: Service condition in rule looks like an absolute windows path that is not correctly escaped.
	-|  Use double backslash as directory separator in regex expressions, e.g.
	-|  'C:\\Program Files\\'
	-|  (Ruleset: checkgroup_parameters:fileinfo, Folder: server-2/server_agent/server_baked-agents, Rule nr: 0, Condition:C:\\Windows\\System32\\LMUD1Plang\.dll$)
	-|  WARN: Service condition in rule looks like an absolute windows path that is not correctly escaped.
	-|  Use double backslash as directory separator in regex expressions, e.g.
	-|  'C:\\Program Files\\'
	-|  (Ruleset: checkgroup_parameters:fileinfo, Folder: server-2/server_agent/server_baked-agents, Rule nr: 1, Condition:C:\\Windows\\System32\\LMUD1Olang\.dll$)
	-|  WARN: Service condition in rule looks like an absolute windows path that is not correctly escaped.
	-|  Use double backslash as directory separator in regex expressions, e.g.
	-|  'C:\\Program Files\\'
	-|  (Ruleset: checkgroup_parameters:fileinfo, Folder: server-2/server_agent/server_baked-agents, Rule nr: 1, Condition:C:\\Windows\\System32\\LMUD1Plang\.dll$)
	-|  WARNING: Invalid rule configuration detected (Ruleset: special_agents:ipmi_sensors, Title: IPMI Sensors via Freeipmi or IPMItool, Folder: server-2,
	-| Rule nr: 1, Exception: The selected element '%r' is not longer available. Please select something else.)
	-|  Detected 1 issue(s) in configured rules.
	-| To correct these issues, we recommend to open the affected rules in the GUI.
	-| Upon attempting to save them, any problematic fields will be highlighted.
	-|  7/28 Rewriting discovered host labels...
	-|  8/28 Rewriting autochecks...
	-|  9/28 Cleanup version specific caches...
	-|  10/28 Migrating fs_used name...
	-|  11/28 Migrate pagetype topics...
	-|  12/28 Migrate dashlets...
	-|  13/28 Migrate LDAP connections...
	-|  14/28 Rewrite BI Configuration...
	-| Skipping conversion of (already done)
	-|  15/28 Set version specific user attributes...
	-|  16/28 Check for insecure password hashes, enforce password reset...
	-|  Users with insecure password hashes have been found in the htpasswd file. These users will be required to change their password on their next login.
	-| Please ensure that the affected users log in and change their password before updating to Checkmk version 2.2. Otherwise these users will not be able to log in anymore and their passwords will need to be reset manually by an administrator (either the user configuration or via the cmk-passwd command).
	-| The following users are affected:
	-| cmkadmin
	-|  17/28 Rewriting inventory data...
	-| Skipping py2 inventory data update (already done)
	-|  18/28 Migrate audit log...
	-| New audit log already existing. Skipping.
	-|  19/28 Sanitize audit log (Werk #13330)...
	-| Skipping (already done)
	-|  20/28 Rename discovered host label files...
	-|  21/28 Rewriting host, service or contact groups...
	-|  22/28 Rewriting notification configuration for ServiceNow...
	-|  23/28 Renewing certificates without server name extension...
	-| Copied certificate to /omd/sites/mycmk/etc/ssl/sites/mycmk.pem.bak
	-| Creating new certificate...
	-|  24/28 Adding site CA to trusted CAs...
	-|  25/28 Rewrite mknotifyd config for central site...
	-|  26/28 Rewriting InfluxDB connections...
	-|  27/28 Disabling unsafe EC rules...
	-|  28/28 Update bakery links and settings...
	-| Done
	Updating core configuration...
	Finished update.

No one else with the same problem after update?