Is checkmk SAML 2.0 capable?

Some time has passed and there were a few things, which needed to be fixed:

  • Legacy Web API URL
  • Bakery URL for deploying agents

All in all, that’s my working config with AzureAd right now:

#Set this to the Name of your Checkmk site, e.g.# Define SITE mysite
Define SITE mysite

# ServerName from listen-ports.conf needs to be overwritten here
# and being set to the URL of the real server.

# auth_mellon uses this to generate the needed URLs in the metadata.

ServerName https://checkmk.mydomain.tld

# Load the module from the system's Apache/httpd location as we don't ship
# mod_auth_mellon within OMD yet.

<IfModule !mod_auth_mellon.c>
    # Use this line on Debian based systems.
    #LoadModule auth_mellon_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

    # Use this line on  CentOS 7 / 8
    LoadModule auth_mellon_module /omd/sites/${SITE}/lib/apache/modules/

    # When using CentOS 7 / 8 and in need of diagnostics install mod_auth_mellon-diagnostics package,
    # and use the following statement.
    #LoadModule auth_mellon_module /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/

# Only enable this for debugging purposes
# MellonDiagnosticsFile /opt/omd/sites/${SITE}/tmp/mellon_diagnostics.log
# MellonDiagnosticsEnable On

<Location /${SITE}>

# Use SAML auth only in case there is no Check_MK authentication
# cookie provided by the user and whitelist also some other required URLs.

    <If "! %{HTTP_COOKIE} =~ /auth_/ && \
        ! %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/' && \
        ! %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/' && \
        ! %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/' && \
        ! %{REQUEST_URI} -strmatch '/${SITE}/check_mk/api/*' && \
        ! %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/' && \
        ! %{QUERY_STRING} =~ /(_secret=|auth_|register_agent)/ && \
        ! %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/${SITE}/(omd/|check_mk/(images/.*\.png|login\.py|.*\.(css|js)))# ">

        RequestHeader unset X-Remote-User
        MellonIdPMetadataFile /opt/omd/sites/${SITE}/etc/apache/mellon/idp-metadata.xml
        # MellonIdPPublicKeyFile not needed, Azure AD includes the key in its metadata.xml
        MellonSPCertFile /opt/omd/sites/${SITE}/etc/apache/mellon/idp.cert
        MellonSPPrivateKeyFile /opt/omd/sites/${SITE}/etc/apache/mellon/idp.key
        MellonEndpointPath "/${SITE}/mellon"
        MellonDefaultLoginPath "/${SITE}/check_mk/"

        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

        AuthType Mellon
        MellonEnable auth
        require valid-user

        # If your assertion offers the username for Check_MK in an attribute you can set it directly as the remote user (REMOTE_USER)
        MellonUser ""
        RequestHeader set X-Remote-User "%{MELLON_}e" env=MELLON_
    # When SAML auth fails, show the login page to the user. This should only happen,
    # if e.g. the mellon cookie is lost/rejected or if the IDP is misconfigured.
    # A failed login at the IDP will not return you here at all.
    ErrorDocument 401 '<html> \
        <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; URL=/${SITE}/check_mk/"> \
        <body>SAML authentication failed, redirecting to login page.</body></html>'

# This header is also needed after authentication (outside of the If clause)
RequestHeader set X-Remote-User "%{MELLON_}e" env=MELLON_
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