Is checkmk SAML 2.0 capable?

I had to add one more bit of conditional logic to my auth.conf as I was getting ‘too many redirects’ error if I pointed my browser to

I want this link to work because sometimes I just want to login with username/password (for an admin account for example)

Here’s the updated if statement:

        <If "%{HTTP_COOKIE} = 'mellon-cookie' && \
                ! %{HTTP_COOKIE} =~ /mellon-cookie=cookietest/ && \
                ! %{HTTP_REFERER} = 'https://${HOSTNAME}/${SITE}/check_mk/${SITE}' && \
                %{REQUEST_URI} = '/${SITE}/check_mk/' ">

                Redirect '/${SITE}/check_mk/' '/${SITE}/mellon/logout?ReturnTo=https://${HOSTNAME}/${SITE}/check_mk/'