Item in SNMP checks are always empty after upgrade from 1.6 to 2.0.p17

Same Problem

My Solution:
Old: “service_description”: “VPN IPSec Tunnel”,
New: “service_description”: “VPN IPSec Tunnel %s”,

(And change from python2 to python3)

#!/usr/bin/env python3

def inventory_tunnel(info):
   inventory = []
   for name, state in info:
       if state == "2":
          inventory.append( (name, state) )
   return inventory

def check_tunnel(item, params, info):
        for name, state in info:
                if name == item:
                        if state == "2":
                                return (0, "OK - Tunnel is up")
                                return (2, "CRITICAL - link is down")
        return (3, "UNKNOWN - Tunnel not found")
check_info["fortigate_tunnel"] = {
    "inventory_function": inventory_tunnel,
    "check_function": check_tunnel,
    "service_description": "VPN IPSec Tunnel %s",
    "snmp_scan_function": lambda oid: "." in oid("."),
    "snmp_info": (
            3,  # fgVpnTunEntPhase2Name
            20,  # fgVpnTunEntStatus
    "has_perfdata": False,