Konfiguration MRPE mit dem neuen Windowsagent im yml-file


kann mir jemand sagen, wie ich in der yml-config im Windows-Agent mrpe konfiguriere? Ich habe da gerade irgendwie ein Brett vor´m Kopf…

Auszug so wie es nach meiner Annahme funktioneren sollte:



enabled: yes
# 60 is default, this is safe value, because mrpe checks are relative fast ergo
# hitting this timeout is virtually not possible
# timeout: 60

# entries and cfg are the same as in the Legacy agent
    # *Relative* path are supported for checks and includes
    # Path below is equal to '$CUSTOM_AGENT_PATH$\plugins\your_check.com'
    # - check = Console 'plugins\your_check.com' CON CP /STATUS
    # - check = Console 'c:\windows\system32\mode.com' CON CP /STATUS
    - check = Timesync-PDC 'c:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\local\check_wintime_pdc.bat'
    # - include user_name = $CUSTOM_AGENT_PATH$\mrpe_checks.cfg
    # - include = $CUSTOM_AGENT_PATH$\mrpe_checks.cfg

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