Kubernets monitoring monitoring via Prometheus

hello team ,

Check Mk version : entrerpise 1.6p.13

I want to perform the monitoring of our openshift / kubernets clusters via check_mk , using prometheus

My use case :

  • Monitor global cluster information ( node , pods , service , deployment )
  • Monitor specific app inside a POD ( ex : a app inside" jboss running in pod )
  1. Issues n’ 01

I ve used the datasource as described in https://checkmk.com/cms_monitoring_prometheus.html

I have single hosts and with prometheus installled + node exporter then I have added this to my check mk , the I’ve configured the prometheus data source , then I got the following error :

Starting job…

    [special_prometheus] Execute data source
    [special_prometheus] ERROR: Agent exited with code 1: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

[piggyback] Execute data source
No piggyback files for ‘myhost’. Skip processing.
No piggyback files for ‘’. Skip processing.

Someone have an idea ?

Kr ,



it is difficult to identify the exact problem with the provided error traceback. Could you eventually provide a screenshot of your Prometheus targets?

Hello @wontekh

I am sending you all of my configs

Hello Team,

I have added the Prometheus in the kubernetes cluster. I can addPromQL and I can add individual metrics. Is there any way all the metrics can be added automatically like in case of special agent scenario.

Also can you please let me know if the following exporters can be added all at once or only one should be added.

  • cAdvisor (Container Advisor)
  • node_exporter
  • kube-state-metrics

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