Local cached checks are not updated since upgrade to 2.0 (outages are NOT recognized)


Why would someone set an check interval smaller than the Agent Interval? Because long running checks can have a negative effect on the total agent runtime due to the sequential execution of the checks. Therefore, such checks should be executed async (official recommendation from tribe29). To ensure that the check data is updated on every agent run, the check interval must be smaller than the agent interval.

The problem is that cmk does not take into account that in such cases the check data can’t be updated bevor the next agent run. So if the check interval on client side is smaller than the agent interval on CMK side, the agent interval should be used to validate the age of the check data.

And yes, the execution and caching mechanism for plugins, local and mrpe checks should be redesigned to allow more checks to be executed within an agent call. The windows agent has already implemented many good ideas for check handling.

Regards, Lars