Local check set up problem

Hi CheckmkRG

To avoid misunderstandings: A local check is a (simple) check script that is run directly on a monitored host. Checkmk uses its output as-is and does not itself do any checking. This is what the documentation you linked describes: Local checks

As such, the FileNotFoundError you are encountering above will not be caused by a local check. Rather it could be caused by some pre checkmk 2.0 plugin that is still installed on your checkmk site.

This means, you will most likely be facing two unrelated issues here.

To (hopefully) guide you in the right direction, I have the following questions:

  • What check for log4j are you actually using? Did you install the MKP provided by @thl-cmk on Checkmk Exchange?
  • What OS does the host run you are trying to monitor with this log4j plugin?
  • Are there any checks inside the folder local/share/check_mk/checks and if so, does any of these files mention temperature.include or humidity.include?

Kind regards