Local output leads to error in the gui

this local output leads to error in the gui

MIRA OK - I_Mg 7.09 | I_Mg=7.09;6.00;9.20
standard_in) 1: illegal character: I

MIRA OK - FrqLo 355917 | FrqLo=355917;355537;356337
standard_in) 1: syntax error

This is no local output format.
Local checks must have the following format.

0       myservice   myvalue=73;80;90  My output text which may contain spaces
Status  Name        Performance Data  Freetext Output

Between every Element there needs to be one space.

0 myservice myvalue=73;80;90 My output text which may contain spaces

Complete manual you can find here https://checkmk.com/cms_localchecks.html


Thank for your answer.
But there must be another reason.
I have more than 10 services that work the same way without problems.
OMD[molrao]:~/local/lib/nagios/plugins/MIRA$ ./check_mira.sh TempMg
MIRA OK - TempMg 41.4 | TempMg=41.4;11.0;61.0
MIRA OK - TempMg 41.8


You wrote local check - but what do you mean really? Local Check or MRPE Check?
If this is an MRPE Check then it would be ok.

local of cource

Then all the output is wrong if these are local checks.
Please follow the guidelines from the linked article.

in WATO there is no error only in the GUI.

Checkmk “local checks” (in the strict sense of the word as used in the manual!) do not use WATO, so why should there be an error.

Ok, so this is how you call the check manually, but how do you have the agent call it?

From the path, this very much seems to be a Nagios plugin. Which would probably be called from $MK_CONFDIR/mrpe.cfg. Yes, this is a “local” file on the monitored host. But still this is an MRPE check, not what Checkmk calls a “local check”.

On the other hand, a true “localcheck” (in the sense Checkmk uses that word) is an executable file in the agent’s $LOCALDIR.

The output from MRPE checks is different from a localcheck’s output. That’s why Andreas was asking. Are you still sure it is a “localcheck”? :wink:

Thank for your answer

it may be that i messed up something.
It is a classic monitor checks, which are carried directly on the monitoring server.


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