Logwatch on Text File on Windows

Hey, everyone. Thanks for the help, Andreas!

Got this working as follows:

  1. Download mk_logwatch.exe from Monitoring Agents menu in CMK
  2. Place logwatch binary in C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins
  3. Create empty file: C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\config\logwatch.cfg
  4. In logwatch.cfg, add a one line with a file path (non-escaped backslashes) with no leading characters, then, create individual rules after it with a leading space (such as in this example):

I Ignore this:
W Warning message:
C Critical systems message:

Note there must be a leading space before the options (I, W, C), meaning that " W Warning message:" is acceptable but “W Warning message:” is not.

For the CMK team: Could you update the Windows logwatch monitoring documentation to reflect the current way of doing this? While it seems obvious, it isn’t immediately clear how to implement this.
