Manual Check - State and count of processes (don't match process)

Hi All!
Since 1.6 I was able to match nginx process which PS is:

apache   14296 24146  0 03:47 ?        00:00:20 nginx: worker process                                                              
apache   14297 24146  0 03:47 ?        00:05:01 nginx: worker process                                                              
apache   14298 24146  0 03:47 ?        00:01:11 nginx: worker process                                                              
apache   14299 24146  0 03:47 ?        00:00:28 nginx: worker process                                                              
apache   14300 24146  0 03:47 ?        00:00:40 nginx: worker process                                                              
apache   14301 24146  0 03:47 ?        00:01:50 nginx: worker process                                                              
apache   14303 24146  0 03:47 ?        00:01:11 nginx: worker process                                                              
apache   14304 24146  0 03:47 ?        00:02:52 nginx: worker process                                                              
apache   14306 24146  0 03:47 ?        00:00:00 nginx: cache manager process                                                       
root     24146     1  0 Apr23 ?        00:00:00 nginx: master process /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

by this simple regex:

By updating to 2.0 the check doesn’t work anymore.

I tryed these regex:

  • (/usr)?(/local)?(/bin/|/sbin/)?(/)?nginx(.*)$
  • nginx

also I tryed with “exact name of the process without arguments”

  • nginx
  • nginx:

No one of above is worked.

The agent is still 1.6 but AFAIK it shouldn’t matter, right?

Trying to update agent the Check goes from CRIT to UNKNW with output:
Item not found in monitoring data

cmk -d web-mint01 | grep -e Version -e ps -e nginx

Version: 2.0.0p3
root 0 0 00:00:00 110-08:59:27 168 [kpsmoused]
root 189172 3392 00:00:00 110-08:56:47 2155 cupsd -C /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
apache 224096 12580 00:00:21 19:50:09 14296 nginx: worker process 
apache 226152 15000 00:05:08 19:50:09 14297 nginx: worker process 
apache 224888 13688 00:01:14 19:50:09 14298 nginx: worker process 
apache 224896 13932 00:00:30 19:50:09 14299 nginx: worker process 
apache 226508 14924 00:00:42 19:50:09 14300 nginx: worker process 
apache 226636 16032 00:01:52 19:50:09 14301 nginx: worker process 
apache 225276 14120 00:01:12 19:50:09 14303 nginx: worker process 
apache 231188 18172 00:02:56 19:50:09 14304 nginx: worker process 
apache 203712 2816 00:00:00 19:50:09 14306 nginx: cache manager process 
root 201204 6288 00:00:00 18-14:33:14 24146 nginx: master process /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /usr/local/openresty/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
root 122680 1144 00:00:00 00:01 30161 ps ax -o user:32,vsz,rss,cputime,etime,pid,command --columns 10000
pswpin 0
pswpout 0
thp_collapse_alloc 68288
thp_collapse_alloc_failed 0


Aparently it’s a bug in 2.0.0p3 version of check_mk Server.

Update from that to 2.0.0p4 works fine for me. At check_mk server.

In the monitored host, you can use rather p3 or p4 version of the agent

Works also with ealier version of agent (1.6.0p17)!


I’m not sure, we came from 1.6.0p, and in 2.0.0p3 doesn’t works fine.

We upgrade both, agent (at the client) and Server and same time.

But you can try in a POC client monitoring any process like httpd, mysqld, if you have an error, it would be present with any process.

I hope this was helpfully to you

after upgrade the server to 2.0.0p4 I managed to monitoring any process either for earlier versions of the agent. So the “bug” is present in the 2.0.0p3 server side.

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