Memory check in LXC Containers reporting host values


don’t know if this is the preferred way to do it … but we do it like this.

During install we automatically set a label in the file


with the content

echo '<<<labels:sep(0)>>>'
echo '{"virtual": "<%= @virtual %>"}'

Now @virtual is a variable we get from foreman so this is included in our autoinstall setup.
Basically what it does is it replaces <%= @virtual %> with lxc resulting in

echo '<<<labels:sep(0)>>>'
echo '{"virtual": "lxc"}'

when deployed to the host.

This label will be discoverd during a new inventory of the host.
We then setup a rule like this.

As i said… not sure if this is the preferred way or “best practice” but that’s how we do it :slight_smile:

best regards