Mirth_agent doesn't work

There are changes between 2.1 and 2.2 that require many extension packages to be adapted.

Would it be possible for us to get this working again?? It’s a pity that Mirth Monitoring isn’t integrated into cmk over the years, as many people use it. For me, who is dependent on Mirth instances throughout Germany, this is a reason to think about alternatives. :frowning:

@ricardoftribeiro would need to change the code. Imports are missing and maybe more.

I would be more than happy to update this, but i don’t have access to any Mirth anymore to develop/update it accordingly.
If somehow, someone, would give me an example of output of the Mirth API, i could give a try.
Let’s work on this. @Tobias13 please reach me on e-mail / PM so we could make this work together :slight_smile:


Hi Ricardo, sounds good. :slight_smile: One question before we can get deeper into that topic.
The output of mirth is the same as “yesterday”?

Well, i believe so. So let’s work on yestedays output.
Let’s put you in charge of the correct output :slight_smile: eheh


Dear all,

is there any update / progress with this issue ? I’m willing to help not only by providing mirth access but also as paid service / project to help with our environment and community as well…

I’m currently working on a new Mirth Special Agent, which provides even more monitoring information. Maybe I will release it in the next 2-3 weeks after some testing.


Any news on the topic please ? Thank you in advance for response

Currently in testing phase. If everything works well in my productive environment I will release the Special Agent at the end of this week.

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The first release is available now.
Feel free to test it. Make sure you remove any old Mirth Plugin first because of possible naming colissions.



I installed this mirth package. Our checkmk version is 2.2p12, cloud edition. After setup mirth special agent configuration, got an error

Can you help me with that? Thanks

What Mirth Connect Version are you using?

Mirth Connect Server 3.12.0

Hmm, i can’t reproduce that error. I also have a 3.12 system in production with a lot of channels and everything works fine. You can try to run the agent from the shell with the --debug option to get more information.

------Debug output-------
{“map”:{“entry”:[{“string”:[“039f1c34-e4d6-4987-9779-d12f899c9cd8”,“Mindray Results R01 ORU Spotcheck”]},{“string”:[“9be158d5-ebb1-466c-b68e-6f0a9db416bc”,“PROMIS-VNA TEST”]},{“string”:[“c7fbfe8e-83b7-4141-af70-6e48d8c158bd”,“Mindray Alarms R40 ORU”]},{“string”:[“ebe9f807-d895-49e2-9eca-3d704811efb2”,“Mindray Results R01 ORU Pumps”]},{“string”:[“81e987f1-0c41-4abb-adc4-0e2d033c3103”,“MosaIQ - HL7 Result channel”]},{“string”:[“f3a3d500-e24b-4e2d-a3b3-9404592d69a4”,“Mindray Results R01 ORU Monitor”]},{“string”:[“bb7d6d88-d7e1-42b2-a7fc-2828ed711b36”,“chan-test-01”]},{“string”:[“c1450bb5-a786-43ba-ae59-4107b3961532”,“Kanal-test-a”]},{“string”:[“3958befc-3f5e-4168-92f2-f197939f0045”,“ADT_Promis-MosaIQ”]},{“string”:[“f43306c0-6e03-4eca-9c0e-96a87dea53fb”,“POCT Cobas”]},{“string”:[“760b7284-08f3-428b-91c3-a8c0f96c1bca”,“Edan ADT”]},{“string”:[“497d967d-0dbb-49f6-9b7b-fc400abf396e”,“Mindray Results R01 ORU All”]},{“string”:[“654ae8f7-71a6-4549-a37e-a7280cc652a5”,“Mindray ADT”]},{“string”:[“30e68f31-1fc2-4836-97d6-51e18c547384”,“PROMIS-VNA PROD”]},{“string”:[“0f867e52-f35b-449e-be8c-9910bd278322”,“SDB F200 CRP”]},{“string”:[“c41c095b-a338-4734-9248-4412b2ebe31a”,“Siemens_MDM”]},{“string”:[“b6f32f29-17df-4ea4-b838-33ee7877c36e”,“PROMIS_UTF8TEST-6640”]},{“string”:[“bb0cfd02-08f5-4a59-a562-8b5ed6a38f67”,“ADT Siemens”]},{“string”:[“910ef9d5-a3f3-48ff-a976-cb7840aaed6f”,“Edan OBR”]}]}}
------Debug output-------
------Debug output-------
url: “/api/channels/039f1c34-e4d6-4987-9779-d12f899c9cd8/status”,
status: “404”,
message: “Not Found”,
servlet: “org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer-63bebb91”,

Seems like the json response contains right and left double quotes instead of normal double quotes. The parsing fails because it’s not valid json. There is something really strange happening in your Mirth Connect API. You have to find the issue there I think.


We tested Mirth_agent on other mirth server 3.12.0 and works.

VC150 - ORU vc150 to HIS - Stnd|aa376078-adc6-41ca-afed-2893b2a3e5bb|STARTED|Idle|0|0|0|0|0
VC150 - HL7 Query-Response to HIS|672867bc-ae87-453a-b5e1-78dae0d83510|STARTED|Idle|0|0|0|0|0

What is the result Mirth_agent when channel is disabled ? According to our testing, it ends up with an error, as in the case I wrote about above, so json is valid.


Are you using Plugin Version 1.0.1?

I looked into it what happens if a channel is disabled (and therefore not deployed). So far I tested it with version 4.4.0 and the plugin processed it correctly.

But anyway I will change the status message in a new release to just “Not deployed” and I will make some optimizations to reduce the API calls and some improvements of the detection if a channel is not deployed.