- Service wird nicht discovered/angezeigt - Windows Client - CRE 2.0.0p7 -

Hallo Andreas,

danke für die Unterstützung!

Habe nun auch einen frischen W10 LTSC mal verwendet. Phython nicht installiert., Plugin und .cfg Files wie oben in die Ordner kopiert.

Anscheinend wurde das vom Agent (nach Service neustart) automatisch gemacht, Ordner war vorhanden und .zip war weg. Habe ich aber auch nochmal händisch mit 7zip entpackt.

Leider weiss ich nicht wie ich ohne Phython Installation das Skript ausführen und den Output sehen kann.

Hier nun mal verschiedene Logs aus C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\log\ :

auf dem Client Agent-Service neugestartet

2021-07-23 10:05:33.370 [srv 6212] Initiating stop routine...
2021-07-23 10:05:33.373 [srv 6212] Stop Service called
2021-07-23 10:05:33.374 [srv 6212] [Trace] Stop request is set
2021-07-23 10:05:33.374 [srv 6212] [Trace] main Wait Loop END
2021-07-23 10:05:33.375 [srv 6212] Shutting down IO...
2021-07-23 10:05:33.375 [srv 6212] [Trace] Stopping execution
2021-07-23 10:05:33.383 [srv 6212] Exiting process queue
2021-07-23 10:05:33.384 [srv 6212] cma::world::ExternalPort::ioThreadProc:  terminated from outside
2021-07-23 10:05:33.384 [srv 6212] IO ends...
2021-07-23 10:05:33.385 [srv 6212] Thread is stopped
2021-07-23 10:05:33.386 [srv 6212] Cleanup called by service
2021-07-23 10:05:33.394 [srv 6212] Killing process 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\bin\OpenHardwareMonitorCLI.exe'
2021-07-23 10:05:33.399 [srv 6212] Killed [1] processes from the user folder
2021-07-23 10:05:33.400 [srv 6212] Clean on exit was not requested, not uninstall sequence
2021-07-23 10:05:33.400 [srv 6212] Service is stopped normally
2021-07-23 10:05:33.401 [srv 6212] [Warn ] Cannot terminate process [1392] gracefully, error [5]
2021-07-23 10:05:33.402 [srv 6212] [Trace] Killing process [1392] 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\bin\OpenHardwareMonitorCLI.exe'
2021-07-23 10:05:33.403 [srv 6212] COM closed
2021-07-23 10:05:34.731 [srv 16068] [Trace] Enabled Base
2021-07-23 10:05:34.736 [srv 16068] [Trace] Setting root. service: 'CheckMkService', preset: ''
2021-07-23 10:05:34.736 [srv 16068] [Trace] Try service: 'CheckMkService'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.737 [srv 16068] [Trace] Try registry 'CheckMkService'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.737 [srv 16068] [Trace] Service is found 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk_agent.exe'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.738 [srv 16068] Set root 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service' from registry 'CheckMkService'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.738 [srv 16068] [Trace] Try registry 'CheckMkService'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.738 [srv 16068] Protect file from User write 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk_agent.exe'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.739 [srv 16068] Protect path from User access 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.739 [srv 16068] 'data' Starting executing commands [5]
2021-07-23 10:05:34.744 [srv 16068] Process is started 'C:\Windows\TEMP\cmk_data_16068_2.cmd'  with pid [12328]
2021-07-23 10:05:34.745 [srv 16068] [Trace] Using root = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service' and data = 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent' folders 
2021-07-23 10:05:34.747 [srv 16068] COM Initialized
2021-07-23 10:05:34.748 [srv 16068] COM initialized
2021-07-23 10:05:34.749 [srv 16068] Found root config on path C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk.yml
2021-07-23 10:05:34.757 [srv 16068] [Trace] Enabled Debug
2021-07-23 10:05:34.758 [srv 16068] Loaded start config 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk.yml','C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\bakery','C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\check_mk.user.yml'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.759 [srv 16068] Firewall mode is set to configure, adding rule...
2021-07-23 10:05:34.840 [srv 16068] Firewall rule 'Checkmk Agent' had been added successfully for ports [6556]
2021-07-23 10:05:34.841 [srv 16068] Service Main
2021-07-23 10:05:34.841 [srv 16068] Service handlers registered
2021-07-23 10:05:34.842 [srv 16068] [Trace] Installing cap file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\install\plugins.cap'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.842 [srv 16068] Timestamp OK, checking file content...
2021-07-23 10:05:34.843 [srv 16068] [Trace] Installing of CAP file is not required
2021-07-23 10:05:34.843 [srv 16068] [Trace] Installing yml file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\install\check_mk.install.yml'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.844 [srv 16068] Target File 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\install\check_mk.install.yml' is absent, reinstall is mandatory
2021-07-23 10:05:34.844 [srv 16068] Reinstalling 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\install\check_mk.install.yml' with 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\install\check_mk.install.yml'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.845 [srv 16068] This Option/YML installation form MSI is ENABLED
2021-07-23 10:05:34.845 [srv 16068] Remove 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\install\check_mk.install.yml' [OK]
2021-07-23 10:05:34.845 [srv 16068] Supplied yaml 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\install\check_mk.install.yml' will not be installed
2021-07-23 10:05:34.846 [srv 16068] [Trace] Copy file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\install\checkmk.dat' to 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\install\checkmk.dat'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.846 [srv 16068] Timestamp OK, checking file content...
2021-07-23 10:05:34.847 [srv 16068] [Trace] Copy is not required, the file is already exists
2021-07-23 10:05:34.847 [srv 16068] Skip installing user yml file
2021-07-23 10:05:34.848 [srv 16068] Timestamp OK, checking file content...
2021-07-23 10:05:34.848 [srv 16068] Starting upgrade(migration) process...
2021-07-23 10:05:34.849 [srv 16068] [Trace] Legacy Agent not found Upgrade is not possible
2021-07-23 10:05:34.849 [srv 16068] [Trace] trying path C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service
2021-07-23 10:05:34.850 [srv 16068] Found root config on path C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk.yml
2021-07-23 10:05:34.850 [srv 16068] [Trace] Loading 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk.yml'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.852 [srv 16068] [Trace] Loading 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\bakery\check_mk.bakery.yml'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.852 [srv 16068] [Trace] C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\bakery\check_mk.bakery.yml is absent, return
2021-07-23 10:05:34.852 [srv 16068] [Trace] Loading 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\check_mk.user.yml'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.856 [srv 16068] [Trace] Target 'folders' is empty, overriding with source
2021-07-23 10:05:34.857 [srv 16068] Loaded Config Files by Agent [2.0.0p7,64bit,release,Jul  6 2021,21:07:27] @ 'Win10-64 desktop'
    root:   'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk.yml' size=10795 [OK]
    bakery: 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\bakery\check_mk.bakery.yml' size=0 [OK]
    user:   'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\check_mk.user.yml' size=15781 [OK]
2021-07-23 10:05:34.859 [srv 16068] [Trace] Absent/Empty node local.folders type is 0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.859 [srv 16068] [Trace] Enabled Debug
2021-07-23 10:05:34.860 [srv 16068] Loaded start config 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk.yml','C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\bakery','C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\check_mk.user.yml'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.860 [srv 16068] [Trace] Successful start of thread
2021-07-23 10:05:34.862 [srv 16068] The network is available
2021-07-23 10:05:34.863 [srv 16068] Reading module config normal
2021-07-23 10:05:34.864 [srv 16068] Processed [1] module(s)
2021-07-23 10:05:34.864 [srv 16068] Finding modules
2021-07-23 10:05:34.864 [srv 16068] Module 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\install\' is added to the list
2021-07-23 10:05:34.865 [srv 16068] Installing modules
2021-07-23 10:05:34.865 [srv 16068] Install module python-3.8
2021-07-23 10:05:34.866 [srv 16068] 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\install\modules\' is absent, no need to uninstall
2021-07-23 10:05:34.866 [srv 16068] Installation of the module 'python-3.8' is not required, module file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\install\'is absent or too short. Backup will be uninstalled
2021-07-23 10:05:34.866 [srv 16068] Module 'python-3.8' has no zip installed, this is normal
2021-07-23 10:05:34.867 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Module 'python-3.8' has no zip in backup dir 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\install\modules'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.867 [srv 16068] Pre Start actions
2021-07-23 10:05:34.868 [srv 16068] OHM is not running by Agent
2021-07-23 10:05:34.874 [srv 16068] Started 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\bin\OpenHardwareMonitorCLI.exe' wih pid [14828]
2021-07-23 10:05:34.874 [srv 16068] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,cmd,ps1]
2021-07-23 10:05:34.875 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [41] files to execute
2021-07-23 10:05:34.878 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.879 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.879 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.880 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.880 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\windows_updates.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.881 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [5] files to execute in 'plugins'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.881 [srv 16068] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,cmd,ps1]
2021-07-23 10:05:34.882 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [41] files to execute
2021-07-23 10:05:34.888 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.888 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.889 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.889 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.890 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\windows_updates.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:05:34.890 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [5] files to execute in 'plugins'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.891 [srv 16068] Allowed Extensions: [exe,bat,vbs,cmd,ps1]
2021-07-23 10:05:34.891 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [0] files to execute
2021-07-23 10:05:34.891 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [0] files to execute in 'local'
2021-07-23 10:05:34.892 [srv 16068] Pre Start actions ended
2021-07-23 10:05:35.405 [srv 16068] Waiting for async threads [0]
2021-07-23 10:05:35.407 [srv 16068] Left async threads [0] after waiting 0ms
2021-07-23 10:05:35.408 [srv 16068] main Wait Loop
2021-07-23 10:05:35.409 [srv 16068] Applying config auto restart_on_crash:true error_mode: log
2021-07-23 10:05:35.409 [srv 16068] Starting IO ipv6:false, used port:6556

Reschedule Check_MK vom WATO heraus

2021-07-23 10:07:03.808 [srv 16068] Connected from '' ipv6 :false -> queue
2021-07-23 10:07:03.809 [srv 16068] Connected from '' ipv6:false <- queue
2021-07-23 10:07:03.810 [srv 16068] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,cmd,ps1]
2021-07-23 10:07:03.810 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [41] files to execute
2021-07-23 10:07:03.814 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:07:03.814 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:07:03.815 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:07:03.819 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:07:03.819 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\windows_updates.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:07:03.820 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [5] files to execute in 'plugins'
2021-07-23 10:07:03.821 [srv 16068] Generating answer number [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:03.821 [srv 16068] Id is [79939748828800] 
2021-07-23 10:07:03.821 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'wmi_cpuload' is direct called, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.689 [srv 16068] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_System' in 867ms sends [755] bytes
2021-07-23 10:07:04.745 [srv 16068] Object 'Win32_ComputerSystem' in 55ms sends [1289] bytes
2021-07-23 10:07:04.746 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'wmi_cpuload' id is [79939748828800] length [2128]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.747 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'wmi_cpuload' took [924] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.747 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'uptime' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.748 [srv 16068] Using file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk_agent.exe' for winperf
2021-07-23 10:07:04.748 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'uptime' id is [79939748828800] length [18]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.749 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'df' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.750 [srv 16068] [Trace] Loaded [6] entries in LogWatch
2021-07-23 10:07:04.751 [srv 16068] Exec 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk_agent.exe' for 'winperf' to be started
2021-07-23 10:07:04.751 [srv 16068] async RunStdCmd: "C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk_agent.exe" -runonce winperf mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0 id:79939748828800 timeout:10 ip: 234:phydisk 510:if 238:processor
2021-07-23 10:07:04.751 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'uptime' took [1] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.752 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'logwatch' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.752 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'ps' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.753 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'fileinfo' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.754 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'fileinfo' id is [79939748828800] length [34]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.755 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'mem' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.755 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'mem' id is [79939748828800] length [231]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.756 [srv 16068] Processed [1] drives
2021-07-23 10:07:04.757 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'df' id is [79939748828800] length [60]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.758 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'fileinfo' took [1] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.758 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'services' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.759 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'mem' took [2] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.759 [srv 16068] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,cmd,ps1]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.760 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [41] files to execute
2021-07-23 10:07:04.760 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'df' took [8] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.762 [srv 16068] Received [2256] bytes from 'wmi_cpuload'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.764 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:07:04.764 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:07:04.765 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:07:04.765 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:07:04.766 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\windows_updates.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:07:04.767 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [5] files to execute in 'plugins'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.767 [srv 16068] [Trace] To start [5] sync plugins
2021-07-23 10:07:04.768 [srv 16068] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,cmd,ps1]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.768 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [0] files to execute
2021-07-23 10:07:04.769 [srv 16068] [Trace] Exec app 'python.exe "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\"', mode [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.769 [srv 16068] [Trace] Exec app 'powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart.ps1"', mode [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.770 [srv 16068] [Err  ] C:\workspace\cmk_200\windows-agent-build\agents\wnx\src\common\wtools.cpp:184:  Failed RunStd: [2]*
2021-07-23 10:07:04.770 [srv 16068] [Err  ] Failed to start minibox sync 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.771 [srv 16068] [Trace] Exec app 'cscript.exe //Nologo "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs"', mode [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.772 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [0] files to execute in 'local'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.772 [srv 16068] [Trace] Absent/Empty node mrpe.config type is 1
2021-07-23 10:07:04.772 [srv 16068] [Trace] Exec app 'powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1"', mode [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.774 [srv 16068] [Trace] Exec app 'cscript.exe //Nologo "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\windows_updates.vbs"', mode [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.782 [srv 16068] [Trace] To start [0] sync plugins
2021-07-23 10:07:04.783 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'local' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.783 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'local' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:07:04.784 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'local' id is [79939748828800] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.785 [srv 16068] Received [146] bytes from 'uptime'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.786 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'local' took [1] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.786 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'dotnet_clrmemory' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.789 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'wmi_webservices' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.810 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'msexch' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.812 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'mrpe' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.825 [srv 16068] [Err  ] failed to open log '*'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.826 [srv 16068] Received [162] bytes from 'fileinfo'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.826 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'skype' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.827 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'mrpe' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:07:04.828 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'mrpe' id is [79939748828800] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.828 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'logwatch' id is [79939748828800] length [128]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.829 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'mrpe' took [3] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.829 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'logwatch' took [76] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.831 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'spool' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.832 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'spool' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:07:04.832 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'spool' id is [79939748828800] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.833 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'openhardwaremonitor' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.833 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'spool' took [1] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.848 [srv 16068] Received [359] bytes from 'mem'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.867 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'services' id is [79939748828800] length [15903]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.868 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'services' took [109] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.869 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:07:04.869 [srv 16068] Received [188] bytes from 'df'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.870 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:07:04.871 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeActiveSync_MSExchangeActiveSync' in 60ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:07:04.873 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_activesync' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.882 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_W3SVC_WebService' in 92ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:07:04.883 [srv 16068] [Err  ] Error reading WMI [2] in 'wmi_webservices'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.885 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Resetting time for earliest start of the section 'wmi_webservices' at '2021-07-23 11:07:04
2021-07-23 10:07:04.885 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'wmi_webservices' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:07:04.887 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'wmi_webservices' id is [79939748828800] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.888 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'wmi_webservices' took [98] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.890 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'local'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.926 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'mrpe'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.957 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:07:04.958 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeAvailabilityService_MSExchangeAvailabilityService' in 84ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:07:04.959 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_availability' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.962 [srv 16068] Object 'Sensor' in 128ms sends [1035] bytes
2021-07-23 10:07:04.963 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'openhardwaremonitor' id is [79939748828800] length [1150]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.963 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'openhardwaremonitor' took [130] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.976 [srv 16068] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRMemory' in 189ms sends [2278] bytes
2021-07-23 10:07:04.977 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'dotnet_clrmemory' id is [79939748828800] length [2349]
2021-07-23 10:07:04.977 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'dotnet_clrmemory' took [190] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:04.980 [srv 16068] Received [256] bytes from 'logwatch'
2021-07-23 10:07:04.984 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:07:04.984 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeOWA_MSExchangeOWA' in 25ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:07:04.985 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_owa' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:07:05.011 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'spool'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.018 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:07:05.029 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeAutodiscover_MSExchangeAutodiscover' in 44ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:07:05.030 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_autodiscovery' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:07:05.032 [srv 16068] Received [16031] bytes from 'services'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.054 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'wmi_webservices'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.071 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:07:05.075 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeISClientType_MSExchangeISClientType' in 44ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:07:05.075 [srv 16068] Received [1278] bytes from 'openhardwaremonitor'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.077 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_isclienttype' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:07:05.091 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'ps' id is [79939748828800] length [15049]
2021-07-23 10:07:05.092 [srv 16068] perf:  In [323] milliseconds process 'cscript.exe //Nologo "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs"' pid:[11484] SUCCEDED - generated [2] bytes of data in [1] blocks
2021-07-23 10:07:05.093 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Process 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs' has no data
2021-07-23 10:07:05.094 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'ps' took [340] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:05.095 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:07:05.096 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeISStore_MSExchangeISStore' in 18ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:07:05.096 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_isstore' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:07:05.097 [srv 16068] Received [2477] bytes from 'dotnet_clrmemory'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.120 [srv 16068] Received [3005] bytes from 'winperf'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.132 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:07:05.133 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeRpcClientAccess_MSExchangeRpcClientAccess' in 35ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:07:05.133 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_rpcclientaccess' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:07:05.134 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'msexch' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:07:05.134 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'msexch' id is [79939748828800] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:05.135 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'msexch' took [324] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:05.141 [srv 16068] Received [15177] bytes from 'ps'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.146 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Address Book Web Query'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.164 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'msexch'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.178 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Address Book File Download'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.207 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Location Information Service'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.236 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Distribution List Expansion'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.265 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - UCWA'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.293 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Mobile Communication Service'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.322 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Throttling and Authentication'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.345 [srv 16068] perf:  In [574] milliseconds process 'powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1"' pid:[6920] SUCCEDED - generated [0] bytes of data in [0] blocks
2021-07-23 10:07:05.346 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Process 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1' has no data
2021-07-23 10:07:05.360 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Auth Provider related calls'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.386 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Protocol'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.413 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Responses'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.444 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Peers'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.477 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Load Management'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.510 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Authentication'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.536 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:CAA - Operations'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.561 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.584 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:AVMCU - MCU Health And Performance'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.625 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:AsMcu - MCU Health And Performance'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.633 [srv 16068] perf:  In [864] milliseconds process 'powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart.ps1"' pid:[11708] SUCCEDED - generated [2778] bytes of data in [2] blocks
2021-07-23 10:07:05.651 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:ImMcu - MCU Health And Performance'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.679 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:USrv - DBStore'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.703 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.727 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:JoinLauncher - Join Launcher Service Failures'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.752 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Health Indices'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.777 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Global Counters'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.800 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.825 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Media Relay'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.853 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:A/V Auth - Requests'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.880 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:DATAPROXY - Server Connections'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.908 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:XmppFederationProxy - Streams'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.934 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:A/V Edge - TCP Counters'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.960 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:A/V Edge - UDP Counters'
2021-07-23 10:07:05.961 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'skype' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:07:05.961 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'skype' id is [79939748828800] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:07:05.962 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'skype' took [1134] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:05.982 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'skype'
2021-07-23 10:07:13.995 [srv 16068] perf:  In [9220] milliseconds process 'cscript.exe //Nologo "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\windows_updates.vbs"' pid:[16152] SUCCEDED - generated [86] bytes of data in [2] blocks
2021-07-23 10:07:13.995 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'plugins' is about to be started, id '79939748828800' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:07:13.996 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'plugins' id is [79939748828800] length [2833]
2021-07-23 10:07:13.996 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'plugins' took [0] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:14.013 [srv 16068] Received [2961] bytes from 'plugins'
2021-07-23 10:07:14.013 [srv 16068] perf: Answer is ready in [10192] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:07:14.014 [srv 16068] Send [43493] bytes of data

Server, Console, OMD Instanz mit “it@xyz:~$ cmk -vv --check-discovery w6”

  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.TCP
[cpu_tracking] Start [7f72cbf33a60]
Connecting via TCP to (20.0s timeout)
[TCPFetcher] Fetch with cache settings: DefaultAgentFileCache(base_path=PosixPath('/omd/sites/it/tmp/check_mk/cache/w6')                                                                                                                     , max_age=MaxAge(checking=0, discovery=0, inventory=120), disabled=False, use_outdated=False, simulation=False)
Not using cache (Too old. Age is 166 sec, allowed is 0 sec)
[TCPFetcher] Execute data source
Reading data from agent
Output is not encrypted
Write data to cache file /omd/sites/it/tmp/check_mk/cache/w6
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/it/tmp/check_mk/cache/w6
Got lock on /omd/sites/it/tmp/check_mk/cache/w6
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/it/tmp/check_mk/cache/w6
Released lock on /omd/sites/it/tmp/check_mk/cache/w6
Closing TCP connection to
[cpu_tracking] Stop [7f72cbf33a60 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.0, system=0.0, children_user=0.0, childre                                                                                                                     n_system=0.0, elapsed=10.179999999701977))]
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.PIGGYBACK
[cpu_tracking] Start [7f72cbf331f0]
No piggyback files for 'w6'. Skip processing.
No piggyback files for ''. Skip processing.
[PiggybackFetcher] Fetch with cache settings: NoCache(base_path=PosixPath('/omd/sites/it/tmp/check_mk/data_source_cache/                                                                                                                     piggyback/w6'), max_age=MaxAge(checking=0, discovery=0, inventory=120), disabled=False, use_outdated=False, simulation=F                                                                                                                     alse)
[PiggybackFetcher] Execute data source
[cpu_tracking] Stop [7f72cbf331f0 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.010000000000000009, system=0.0, children_                                                                                                                     user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=0.0))]
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.TCP
Loading autochecks from /omd/sites/it/var/check_mk/autochecks/
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/it/var/check_mk/persisted/w6
Got lock on /omd/sites/it/var/check_mk/persisted/w6
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/it/var/check_mk/persisted/w6
Released lock on /omd/sites/it/var/check_mk/persisted/w6
Stored persisted sections: win_cpuinfo, win_os, win_bios, win_system, win_computersystem, win_disks, win_video, win_netw                                                                                                                     orkadapter, win_ip_r, win_wmi_software, win_wmi_updates, win_reg_uninstall, win_exefiles
Using persisted section SectionName('win_cpuinfo')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_os')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_bios')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_system')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_computersystem')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_disks')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_video')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_networkadapter')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_ip_r')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_wmi_software')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_wmi_updates')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_reg_uninstall')
Using persisted section SectionName('win_exefiles')
  -> Add sections: ['check_mk', 'df', 'dotnet_clrmemory', 'fileinfo', 'logwatch', 'mem', 'openhardwaremonitor', 'ps', 's                                                                                                                     ervices', 'smart', 'systemtime', 'uptime', 'win_bios', 'win_computersystem', 'win_cpuinfo', 'win_disks', 'win_exefiles',                                                                                                                      'win_ip_r', 'win_networkadapter', 'win_os', 'win_reg_uninstall', 'win_system', 'win_video', 'win_wmi_software', 'win_wm                                                                                                                     i_updates', 'windows_updates', 'winperf_if', 'winperf_phydisk', 'winperf_processor', 'wmi_cpuload']
  Source: SourceType.HOST/FetcherType.PIGGYBACK
No persisted sections loaded
  -> Add sections: []
Received no piggyback data
Trying host label discovery with: check_mk, df, dotnet_clrmemory, fileinfo, logwatch, mem, openhardwaremonitor, ps, serv                                                                                                                     ices, smart, systemtime, uptime, win_bios, win_computersystem, win_cpuinfo, win_disks, win_exefiles, win_ip_r, win_netwo                                                                                                                     rkadapter, win_os, win_reg_uninstall, win_system, win_video, win_wmi_software, win_wmi_updates, windows_updates, winperf                                                                                                                     _if, winperf_phydisk, winperf_processor, wmi_cpuload
  cmk/os_family: windows (check_mk)
  Trying discovery with: smart_temp, winperf_phydisk, uptime, openhardwaremonitor, services_summary, docker_container_st                                                                                                                     atus_uptime, logwatch_ec, winperf_processor_util, wmi_cpuload, mem_linux, openhardwaremonitor_power, domino_tasks, openh                                                                                                                     ardwaremonitor_fan, check_mk_only_from, logwatch, winperf_if, openhardwaremonitor_temperature, df, ps, smart_stats, chec                                                                                                                     k_mk_agent_update, mem_win, openhardwaremonitor_smart, systemtime, services, windows_updates, logwatch_ec_single, esx_vs                                                                                                                     phere_hostsystem_cpu_usage, dotnet_clrmemory, mem_vmalloc, fileinfo_groups, fileinfo, logwatch_groups
Loading autochecks from /omd/sites/it/var/check_mk/autochecks/
no unmonitored services found, no vanished services found, no new host labels
ignored: dotnet_clrmemory: DotNet Memory Management _Global_

Log vom/auf dem Client

2021-07-23 10:10:00.474 [srv 16068] Connected from '' ipv6 :false -> queue
2021-07-23 10:10:00.474 [srv 16068] Connected from '' ipv6:false <- queue
2021-07-23 10:10:00.475 [srv 16068] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,cmd,ps1]
2021-07-23 10:10:00.476 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [41] files to execute
2021-07-23 10:10:00.481 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:10:00.481 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:10:00.482 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:10:00.486 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:10:00.487 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\windows_updates.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:10:00.488 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [5] files to execute in 'plugins'
2021-07-23 10:10:00.489 [srv 16068] Generating answer number [1]
2021-07-23 10:10:00.490 [srv 16068] Id is [80116417316200] 
2021-07-23 10:10:00.491 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'wmi_cpuload' is direct called, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.232 [srv 16068] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_System' in 739ms sends [755] bytes
2021-07-23 10:10:01.281 [srv 16068] Object 'Win32_ComputerSystem' in 48ms sends [1289] bytes
2021-07-23 10:10:01.282 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'wmi_cpuload' id is [80116417316200] length [2128]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.283 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'wmi_cpuload' took [791] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.283 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'uptime' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.284 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'uptime' id is [80116417316200] length [18]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.284 [srv 16068] Using file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk_agent.exe' for winperf
2021-07-23 10:10:01.285 [srv 16068] Exec 'C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk_agent.exe' for 'winperf' to be started
2021-07-23 10:10:01.285 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'uptime' took [1] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.286 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'df' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.286 [srv 16068] [Trace] Loaded [6] entries in LogWatch
2021-07-23 10:10:01.287 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'mem' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.287 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'mem' id is [80116417316200] length [231]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.287 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'ps' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.288 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'fileinfo' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.288 [srv 16068] async RunStdCmd: "C:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\check_mk_agent.exe" -runonce winperf mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0 id:80116417316200 timeout:10 ip: 234:phydisk 510:if 238:processor
2021-07-23 10:10:01.288 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'logwatch' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.289 [srv 16068] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,cmd,ps1]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.290 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'services' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.291 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'mem' took [0] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.294 [srv 16068] Received [2256] bytes from 'wmi_cpuload'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.294 [srv 16068] Processed [1] drives
2021-07-23 10:10:01.295 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'df' id is [80116417316200] length [60]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.295 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [41] files to execute
2021-07-23 10:10:01.296 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'fileinfo' id is [80116417316200] length [34]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.301 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'df' took [9] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.302 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:10:01.304 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'fileinfo' took [12] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.305 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:10:01.307 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:10:01.318 [srv 16068] Received [146] bytes from 'uptime'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.319 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:10:01.319 [srv 16068] Plugin 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\windows_updates.vbs'  is  sync with age:0 timeout:60 retry:0
2021-07-23 10:10:01.323 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [5] files to execute in 'plugins'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.327 [srv 16068] [Trace] To start [5] sync plugins
2021-07-23 10:10:01.328 [srv 16068] Allowed Extensions: [,py,exe,bat,vbs,cmd,ps1]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.328 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [0] files to execute
2021-07-23 10:10:01.328 [srv 16068] [Trace] Left [0] files to execute in 'local'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.329 [srv 16068] [Trace] Skipping 'wmi_webservices' by time
2021-07-23 10:10:01.329 [srv 16068] [Trace] Absent/Empty node mrpe.config type is 1
2021-07-23 10:10:01.330 [srv 16068] [Trace] Exec app 'python.exe "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\"', mode [0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.330 [srv 16068] [Trace] Exec app 'cscript.exe //Nologo "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs"', mode [0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.330 [srv 16068] [Err  ] C:\workspace\cmk_200\windows-agent-build\agents\wnx\src\common\wtools.cpp:184:  Failed RunStd: [2]*
2021-07-23 10:10:01.331 [srv 16068] [Err  ] Failed to start minibox sync 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.332 [srv 16068] [Trace] Exec app 'powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart.ps1"', mode [0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.335 [srv 16068] [Trace] Exec app 'powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1"', mode [0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.339 [srv 16068] Received [359] bytes from 'mem'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.344 [srv 16068] [Trace] Exec app 'cscript.exe //Nologo "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\windows_updates.vbs"', mode [0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.352 [srv 16068] [Trace] To start [0] sync plugins
2021-07-23 10:10:01.352 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'local' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.352 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'local' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:10:01.352 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'local' id is [80116417316200] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.354 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'local' took [0] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.360 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'dotnet_clrmemory' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.369 [srv 16068] Received [188] bytes from 'df'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.370 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'msexch' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.374 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'services' id is [80116417316200] length [15903]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.375 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'mrpe' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.375 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'mrpe' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:10:01.378 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'services' took [84] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.378 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'skype' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.379 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'mrpe' id is [80116417316200] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.388 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'spool' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.389 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'spool' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:10:01.389 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'spool' id is [80116417316200] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.390 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'openhardwaremonitor' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.404 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'spool' took [1] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.405 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Address Book Web Query'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.405 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'mrpe' took [27] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.419 [srv 16068] Received [162] bytes from 'fileinfo'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.432 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Address Book File Download'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.440 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'local'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.456 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Location Information Service'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.461 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:10:01.461 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeActiveSync_MSExchangeActiveSync' in 85ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:10:01.462 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_activesync' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.481 [srv 16068] Received [16031] bytes from 'services'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.491 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Distribution List Expansion'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.494 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:10:01.515 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeAvailabilityService_MSExchangeAvailabilityService' in 52ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:10:01.525 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'spool'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.540 [srv 16068] Object 'Sensor' in 120ms sends [1033] bytes
2021-07-23 10:10:01.540 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - UCWA'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.541 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_availability' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.549 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'openhardwaremonitor' id is [80116417316200] length [1148]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.550 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'openhardwaremonitor' took [145] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.563 [srv 16068] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_NETFramework_NETCLRMemory' in 194ms sends [2280] bytes
2021-07-23 10:10:01.565 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'dotnet_clrmemory' id is [80116417316200] length [2351]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.566 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'mrpe'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.572 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Mobile Communication Service'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.573 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'dotnet_clrmemory' took [200] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.573 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:10:01.575 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeOWA_MSExchangeOWA' in 20ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:10:01.576 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_owa' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.600 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Throttling and Authentication'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.610 [srv 16068] Received [3004] bytes from 'winperf'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.639 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:WEB - Auth Provider related calls'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.641 [srv 16068] [Err  ] failed to open log '*'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.657 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'ps' id is [80116417316200] length [15074]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.658 [srv 16068] Received [1276] bytes from 'openhardwaremonitor'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.659 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:10:01.659 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'ps' took [370] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.660 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeAutodiscover_MSExchangeAutodiscover' in 82ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:10:01.660 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_autodiscovery' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.673 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'logwatch' id is [80116417316200] length [128]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.674 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Protocol'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.674 [srv 16068] perf:  In [341] milliseconds process 'cscript.exe //Nologo "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs"' pid:[11600] SUCCEDED - generated [2] bytes of data in [1] blocks
2021-07-23 10:10:01.680 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'logwatch' took [384] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.681 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Process 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\mk_inventory.vbs' has no data
2021-07-23 10:10:01.685 [srv 16068] Received [2479] bytes from 'dotnet_clrmemory'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.688 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:10:01.689 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeISClientType_MSExchangeISClientType' in 15ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:10:01.696 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_isclienttype' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.701 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:10:01.705 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Responses'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.705 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeISStore_MSExchangeISStore' in 8ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:10:01.712 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_isstore' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.719 [srv 16068] Received [15202] bytes from 'ps'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.735 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Peers'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.742 [srv 16068] Received [256] bytes from 'logwatch'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.751 [srv 16068] [Trace] Return 0X80041010 probably object doesn't exist
2021-07-23 10:10:01.752 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Object 'Win32_PerfRawData_MSExchangeRpcClientAccess_MSExchangeRpcClientAccess' in 32ms sends NO DATA
2021-07-23 10:10:01.752 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Sub Section 'msexch_rpcclientaccess' has no data to provide, status = [2]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.762 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'msexch' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:10:01.769 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'msexch' id is [80116417316200] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:10:01.770 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Load Management'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.770 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'msexch' took [394] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:01.792 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'msexch'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.800 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:SIP - Authentication'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.833 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:CAA - Operations'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.859 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:DATAMCU - MCU Health And Performance'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.888 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:AVMCU - MCU Health And Performance'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.914 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:AsMcu - MCU Health And Performance'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.939 [srv 16068] perf:  In [604] milliseconds process 'powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1"' pid:[11952] SUCCEDED - generated [0] bytes of data in [0] blocks
2021-07-23 10:10:01.940 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:ImMcu - MCU Health And Performance'
2021-07-23 10:10:01.940 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Process 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart-new.ps1' has no data
2021-07-23 10:10:01.964 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:USrv - DBStore'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.005 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:USrv - Conference Mcu Allocator'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.031 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:JoinLauncher - Join Launcher Service Failures'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.059 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Health Indices'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.106 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Global Counters'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.136 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Global Per Gateway Counters'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.161 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:MediationServer - Media Relay'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.199 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:A/V Auth - Requests'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.223 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:DATAPROXY - Server Connections'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.250 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:XmppFederationProxy - Streams'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.272 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:A/V Edge - TCP Counters'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.290 [srv 16068] perf:  In [957] milliseconds process 'powershell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\smart.ps1"' pid:[12148] SUCCEDED - generated [2778] bytes of data in [2] blocks
2021-07-23 10:10:02.295 [srv 16068] [Trace] Key value cannot be processed 'LS:A/V Edge - UDP Counters'
2021-07-23 10:10:02.295 [srv 16068] [Warn ] Section 'skype' cannot provide data
2021-07-23 10:10:02.296 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'skype' id is [80116417316200] length [0]
2021-07-23 10:10:02.296 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'skype' took [917] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:02.312 [srv 16068] Received [128] bytes from 'skype'
2021-07-23 10:10:10.626 [srv 16068] perf:  In [9282] milliseconds process 'cscript.exe //Nologo "C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\windows_updates.vbs"' pid:[15264] SUCCEDED - generated [86] bytes of data in [2] blocks
2021-07-23 10:10:10.627 [srv 16068] [Trace] Provider 'plugins' is about to be started, id '80116417316200' port [mail:\\.\mailslot\Global\WinAgent_0]
2021-07-23 10:10:10.628 [srv 16068] [Trace] Sending data 'plugins' id is [80116417316200] length [2833]
2021-07-23 10:10:10.629 [srv 16068] perf: Section 'plugins' took [1] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:10.646 [srv 16068] Received [2961] bytes from 'plugins'
2021-07-23 10:10:10.647 [srv 16068] perf: Answer is ready in [10157] milliseconds
2021-07-23 10:10:10.648 [srv 16068] Send [43517] bytes of data

Mache ich nun eine lokale “.\check_mk_agent.exe test” Abfrage auf dem Client, erscheint kein Output aus … im Gegensatz zum vorherigen Client auf dem Python mit PATH Variablen installiert war?! Wie erwähnt, weiss ich nicht (ohne installed python) ob das Plugin (standalone executed) überhaupt die zu überwachenden Logfiles findet/ausspuckt.