MKnotifyd spooler not spooling messages from remote to main site

CMK version:
OS version:
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Error message:

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been struggling for a while now with this issue and I’m probably overlooking a simple setting.
I have a distributed model set up where the Main site has the (network) capability of sending notifications to ServiceNow using a custom script. And the remote site is not able to reach the address.

The way that I intend to have it set up, is that the remote site spools the notification to the Main site, and the main site sends out the ticket.

I have configured the Main site to accept MknotifyD connections on port 5685, and I have set the remote site to send out the notifications towards the main site. However, due to the synchronisation between the two sites, the remote site received the notification script and tries to create a ticket itself. It does not spool the notification towards the main site, as it is supposed to do.

When looking in the mknotifyd.state file on the main site, i see the following.

** On the main site ***

Site: remote1
Type: incoming
State: established
Since: 1685455789 (2023-05-30 14:09:49, 1289 sec ago)
Notifications Sent: 0
Notifications Received: 0
Pending Acknowledgements: -
Socket FD: 5
HB. Interval: 10 sec
LastIncomingData: 1685455789 (2023-05-30 14:09:49, 1289 sec ago)
LastHeartbeat: 1685457071 (2023-05-30 14:31:11, 8 sec ago)
InputBuffer: 0 Bytes
OutputBuffer: 0 Bytes


** On the remote site **

Site: TST_Main (
Type: outgoing
State: established
Status Message: Successfully connected
Since: 1685455789 (2023-05-30 14:09:49, 1371 sec ago)
Connect Time: 0.001 sec
Notifications Sent: 0
Notifications Received: 0
Pending Acknowledgements: -
Socket FD: 4
Encryption: unencrypted
HB. Interval: 10 sec
HB. Timeout: 3 sec
LastIncomingData: 1685457161 (2023-05-30 14:32:41, 0 sec ago)
LastHeartbeat: 1685457161 (2023-05-30 14:32:41, 0 sec ago)
InputBuffer: 0 Bytes
OutputBuffer: 0 Bytes


To me it seems that the connection is OK, but there are no notifications being sent or received.

If someone can point me in the right direction, that would be amazing!

Thanks in advance.