NagVis Problem auf Check_Mk

Hello everybody,
I have a problem with Check_MK.
When I click on NagVis, I get this error message.
can any of you guys help me with this?
Should something be set in /nagvis.ini.php so that it works?
OS: ubuntu 20.4 lts
Check Mk version: 1.6

Many ThanksNagVis Problem

in Nagvis went to

Options > manage Backends and choice your backend

I cannot see NagVis web interface.

It looks like there is a backend defined without name.
You can have a look inside the “~/etc/nagvis/nagvis.ini.php” and also in the folder “~/etc/nagvis/conf.d/” as there can also be backends defined.
It is no problem to have more than one backend active. But here it looks like a “defect” backend definition.

Thanks Andreas,
i added the nagvis.ini.php configuration. can you please check whether something is missing in there?

root@checkmk:/# find . -name nagvis.ini.php

root@checkmk:/# cat /opt/omd/sites/production/etc/nagvis/nagvis.ini.php
; <?php return 1; ?>
; the line above is to prevent
; viewing this file from web.

; ----------------------------
; Default NagVis Configuration File
; At delivery everything here is commented out. The default values are set in the NagVis code.
; You can make your changes here, they’ll overwrite the default settings.
; ----------------------------

; ----------------------------
; !!! The sections/variables with a leading “;” won’t be recognised by NagVis (commented out) !!!
; ----------------------------

; General options which affect the whole NagVis installation
; Enable/Disable logging of security related user actions in Nagvis. For
; example user logins and logouts are logged in var/nagvis-audit.log
; Defines the authentication module to use. By default NagVis uses the built-in
; SQLite authentication module. On delivery there is no other authentication
; module available. It is possible to add own authentication modules for
; supporting other authorisation mechanisms. For details take a look at the
; documentation.
; Defines the authorisation module to use. By default NagVis uses the built-in
; SQLite authorisation module. On delivery there are some other modules available:
; - CoreAuthorisationModMySQL: Uses the same data structure as the SQLite authorisation
; module, but stores the data in a MySQL database.
; - CoreAuthorisationModMultisite: Uses information exported by Check_MKs Multisite
; to gather user permissions. This makes use of the roles defined for a user within
; multisite and the resulting permissions.
; - CoreAuthorisationModGroups: Assumes all users which should access NagVis are
; available in your monitoring core as contacts and assigned to contactgroups. Those
; contact group memberships are matched against a mapping table, which is defined in
; nagvis/etc/perms.db. This mapping table defines the permissions of each contact
; group within NagVis. Take a look at the docs for details.
; It is possible to add own authorisation modules for supporting other authorisation
; mechanisms. For details take a look at the documentation.
; If you use CoreAuthorisationModGroups above, you might need these options:
; This option defines the path to your group permission mapping table. This file
; is searched within the NagVis etc directory.
; This option is used to configure one or several backend_ids, seperated by “,”, which
; should be used to get the users contact group memberships from.
; Dateformat of the time/dates shown in nagvis (For valid format see PHP docs)
;dateformat=“Y-m-d H:i:s”
; Used to configure the preselected options in the “acknowledge problem” dialog
; dialog_ack_sticky=1
; dialog_ack_notify=1
; dialog_ack_persist=0
; File group and mode are applied to all files which are written by NagVis.
; Usualy these values can be left as they are. In some rare cases you might
; want to change these values to make the files writeable/readable by some other
; users in a group.
; The server to use as source for the NagVis geomaps. Must implement the API which
; can be found on openstreetmap
; Public or private mirror of OpenStreetMap tiles server
;worldmap_tiles_url=“webseite check mk”
;worldmap_tiles_attribution=“© OpenStreetMap”
; Secondary “satellite” tiles server
; In some cases NagVis needs to open connections to the internet. The cases are:
; - The new geomap needs access to openstreetmap webservices to be able to fetch
; mapping information
; Most company networks don’t allow direct HTTP access to the internet. The most
; networks require the users to use proxy servers for outbound HTTP requests.
; The proxy url to be used in NagVis can be configured here. One possible value
; is “tcp://”.
; Most proxies require authentication to access the internet. Use the format
; “:” to provide auth credentials
; Set the timeout (in seconds) for outbound HTTP requests (for example geomap requests)
; Defines which translations of NagVis are available to the users
; Language detection steps to use. Available:
; - User: The user selection
; - Session: Language saved in the session (Usually set after first setting an
; explicit language)
; - Browser: Detection by user agent information from the browser
; - Config: Use configured default language (See below)
; Select language (Available by default: en_US, de_DE, fr_FR, pt_BR, zh_CN)
; Defines the logon module to use. There are three logon modules to be used by
; default. It is possible to add own logon modules for serving other dialogs or
; ways of logging in. For details take a look at the documentation.
; The delivered modules are:
; LogonMixed: The mixed logon module uses the LogonEnv module as default and
; the LogonDialog module as fallback when LogonEnv returns no username. This
; should fit the requirements of most environments.
; LogonDialog: This is an HTML logon dialog for requesting authentication
; information from the user.
; LogonEnv: It is possible to realise a fully “trusted” authentication
; mechanism like all previous NagVis versions used it before. This way the user
; is not really authenticated with NagVis. NagVis trusts the provided username
; implicitly. NagVis uses the configured environment variable to identify the
; user. You can add several authentication mechanisms to your webserver,
; starting from the basic authentication used by Nagios (.htaccess) to single
; sign-on environments.
; Simply set logonmodule to “LogonEnv”, put the environment variable to use as
; username to the option logonenvvar and tell the authentication module to
; create users in the database when provided users does not exist. The option
; logonenvcreaterole tells the module to assign the new user to a specific role
; set to empty string to disable that behaviour.
; LogonMultisite: This module uses the authentication provided by auth_* cookies
; which have been generated by Check_MK multisite when using the cookie based
; authentication. Since 1.2.1i2 Check_MK uses a new cookie format. To be able
; to use this, you need to define a new option called logon_multisite_serials
; which points to the auth.serial file generated by Check_MK.
; Special options for this module:
; logon_multisite_htpasswd="/path/to/htpasswd"
; logon_multisite_serials="/path/to/auth.serials"
; logon_multisite_secret="/path/to/auth.secret"
; logon_multisite_createuser=“1”
; logon_multisite_createrole=“Guests”
; Enable/Disable access to permitted monitoring objects only. This is useful if you want
; to restrict the access to status information by NagVis AND by the authorization mechanism
; of the monitoring software (e.g. Nagios).
; Disabled: access to status information is controlled by NagVis only. Every NagVis user who
; has access to a NagVis map can see the status of all objects on this map. If he has the
; permission to add objects to a map he can add ALL monitoring objects and is not restricted
; by the NagVis permission management.
; Enabled: every user in NagVis can see the status information only of those monitoring objects
; for which he has a contact definition in the monitoring software. This means that he
; can see status information only if he is allowed to access a map AND if he has the permission
; from the monitoring software for this object. The same applies to adding objects to a map.
; Default rotation time of pages in rotations
; Some user information is stored in sessions which are identified by session
; cookies placed on the users computer. The options below set the properties
; of the session cookie.
; Domain to set the cookie for. By default NagVis tries to auto-detect this
; options value by using the webserver’s environment variables.
; Absolute web path to set the cookie for. This defaults to configured
; paths/htmlbase option
; Lifetime of the NagVis session cookie in seconds. The default value is set to
; 24 hours. The NagVis session cookie contents will be renewed on every page
; visit. If a session is idle for more time than configured here it will become
; invalid.
; Most modern browsers will deny javascript access to cookies if the HttpOnly
; flag is set. This prevents XSS attacks from stealing cookies. Default is off
; to not break any existing installations that rely on this functionality. Set
; to 1 to enable.
; Most modern browsers will prevent cookies from being sent unencrypted if the
; Secure flag is set. Default is off since not all Nagvis installations require
; HTTPS. Set to 1 to enable.
; Staleness threshold (Only used with livestatus backend). Take a look at the
; Check_MK documentation for details about the staleness of hosts/services.
; The staleness means that an object has not received any state information for
; a given time. The configured value is a factor of the regular check interval.
; A value of 1.5 means that an object is marked as stale after one and a half
; check intervals have passed without update.
; Start page to redirect the user to when first visiting NagVis without
; special parameters.
; The startshow parameter is only used by some views at the moment. It is used
; by the Map module.
; Turn on to enable some shinken related features in NagVis, like the
; min_business_impact-filter on automaps which can be used to render automaps
; based on the shinken attribute “business_impact”.

; Path definitions
; absolute physical NagVis path
; absolute html NagVis path
; absolute html NagVis cgi path

; Default values which get inherited to the maps and its objects
; default backend (id of the default backend)
; background color of maps
; Enable/Disable the context menu on map objects. With the context menu you are
; able to bind commands or links to your map objects
; Choose the default context template
; Raise frontend events for problematic objects also on page loading. Set to 1 to
; enable this feature
; Repeat frontend events in the given interval. The interval is configured in seconds.
; The time in seconds to repeat alerts for a problematic ojects for as configured in
; event_repeat_interval. This value defaults to -1, this leads to repeated events
; till the problematic state has been fixed.
; Enable/Disable changing background color on state changes (Configured color is
; shown when summary state is PENDING, OK or UP)
; Enable/Disable highlighting of the state changing object by adding a flashing
; border
; The duration of the event highlight in milliseconds (10 seconds by default)
; The interval of the event highlight in milliseconds (0.5 seconds by default)
; Enable/Disable the eventlog in the new javascript frontend. The eventlog keeps
; track of important actions and information
; Loglevel of the eventlog (available: debug, info, warning, critical)
; Number of events kept in the scrollback
; Height of the eventlog when visible in px
; Hide/Show the eventlog on page load
; Enable/Disable scrolling to the icon which changed the state when the icon is
; out of the visible scope
; Enable/Disable sound signals on state changes
; enable/disable header menu
; header template
; Show states in the sidebar header menu (if supported by template)
; enable/disable hover menu
; hover template
; hover menu open delay (seconds)
; show children in hover menus
; limit shown child objects to n
; order method of children (desc: descending, asc: ascending)
; sort method of children (s: state, a: alphabetical)
; default icons
; recognize only hard states (not soft)
; recognize service states in host/hostgroup objects
; show map in lists (dropdowns, index page, …)
; show map in multisite snapin
; Name of the custom stylesheet to use on the maps (The file needs to be located
; in the share/nagvis/styles directory)
; target for the icon links
; URL template for host object links
; URL template for hostgroup object links
; URL template for service object links
; URL template for servicegroup object links
; URL template for dynamic group object links (disabled by default)
; URL template for aggregations object links (disabled by default)
; URL template for nested map links
; URL template for host downtime link in context menus
; URL template for host acknowledgement link in context menus
; URL template for service downtime in context menus
; URL template for service acknowledgement in context menus
; Templates to be used for the different views.
; Enable/disable object labels for all objects
; Configure the colors used by weathermap lines
; Show mouse controllable elements for zooming the maps at the upper left corner of the map
; Enables scaling of the objects (icons, texts, lines, …) when zooming the map. This can be disabled
; to have the objects remain at the same size during zooming

; Options to configure the Overview page of NagVis
; Color of the overview background
; enable/disable header menu
; header template
; Enable/Disable map listing
; Enable/Disable rotation listing
; Enable/Disable map thumbnails

; Options for the Automap
; Default URL parameters for links to the automap
; Default root host (NagVis uses this if it can’t detect it via backend)
; You can configure a hostname here or use “<<>>” as “virtual”
; node which shows the parent tree and all hosts which have no parents
; defined below the is node.
; Path to the graphviz binaries (dot,neato,…); Only needed if not in ENV PATH

; Options for the WUI
; map lock time (minutes). When a user edits a map other users trying to edit
; the map are warned about this fact.
; Show/hide the grid
; The color of the grid lines
; The space between the single grid lines in pixels

; Options for the new Javascript worker
; The interval in seconds in which the worker will check for objects which need
; to be updated
; The retention time of the states in the frontend in seconds. The state
; information will be refreshed after this time

; ----------------------------
; Backend definitions
; ----------------------------

; Example definition of a livestatus backend.
; In this case the backend_id is live_1
; The path /usr/local/nagios/var/rw has to exist
; The status host can be used to prevent annoying timeouts when a backend is not
; reachable. This is only useful in multi backend setups.
; It works as follows: The assumption is that there is a “local” backend which
; monitors the host of the “remote” backend. When the remote backend host is
; reported as UP the backend is queried as normal.
; When the remote backend host is reported as “DOWN” or “UNREACHABLE” NagVis won’t
; try to connect to the backend anymore until the backend host gets available again.
; The statushost needs to be given in the following format:
; “<backend_id>:” → e.g. “live_2:nagios”

; Example definition for a MySQL backend
; in this example the ID of the Backend is “ndomy_1” you can define another ID.
; type of backend - MUST be set
; The status host can be used to prevent annoying timeouts when a backend is not
; reachable. This is only useful in multi backend setups.
; It works as follows: The assumption is that there is a “local” backend which
; monitors the host of the “remote” backend. When the remote backend host is
; reported as UP the backend is queried as normal.
; When the remote backend host is reported as “DOWN” or “UNREACHABLE” NagVis won’t
; try to connect to the backend anymore until the backend host gets available again.
; The statushost needs to be given in the following format:
; “<backend_id>:” → e.g. “live_2:nagios”
; hostname for NDO-db
; portname for NDO-db
; database name for NDO-db
; username for NDO-db
; password for NDO-db
; prefix for tables in NDO-db
; instance name for tables in NDO-db
; maximum delay of the NDO Database in seconds
; path to the cgi-bin of this backend

; ----------------------------
; Rotation pool definitions
; ----------------------------

; in this example the browser switches between the maps demo and demo2 every 15
; seconds, the rotation is enabled by url: index.php?rotation=example
; These steps are rotated. The single steps may have optional prefixes like “Demo2:”
; which are used as display text on the index pages rotation list.
; You may also add external URLs as steps. Simply enclose the url using []
; instead of the map name.
; rotation interval (seconds)

; ----------------------------
; Action definitions
; ----------------------------
; Since NagVis 1.7.6 it is possible to use so called actions to extend the
; default context menu. This enables users to connect directly to the monitored
; hosts from the NagVis context menu. Here you can configure those actions.
; It is possible to add such actions to the context menus of service and host
; objects. They are not added blindly to all objects of those types, you can
; use the attribute “condition” to configure which objects shal have the
; specific actions. By default we use Nagios custom macros of the host object
; to make the actions visible/invisible. This filtering mechanism is not limited
; to custom macros, you can also use regular host attributes which are available
; within NagVis.
; With the option “client_os” you can configure the option to only be available
; on the clients which have a listed operating system running.

; Adds the action “connect via rdp” to service/host objects where the host object
; has the string “win” in the TAGS Nagios custom macro.
; When clicking on the link, NagVis generates a .rdp file which contains makes
; the client connect to the given host via RDP.

; Adds the action “connect via ssh” to service/host objects which have the
; string “unix” in the TAGS Nagios custom macro. Is only added when NagVis
; detects that the client watching the map uses windows.
; When clicking on the link, NagVis generates a .cmd file which contains a
; call to putty which makes putty connect via SSH to this host.

; Adds the action “connect via ssh” to service/host objects which have the
; string “unix” in the TAGS Nagios custom macro. Is only added when NagVis
; detects that the client watching the map uses linux or mac os.
; When clicking on the link, the browser opens the URL ssh:///,
; you need to configure your clients browser to handle these urls correctly.

; Adds the action “connect via http” to service/host objects which have the
; string “web-80” in the TAGS Nagios custom macro
; When clicking on the link, the browser opens a new window with the URL
; http://<host_address>/. This can be changed by modyfing the context template.

; Adds the action “connect via http” to service/host objects which have the
; string “web-443” in the TAGS Nagios custom macro
; When clicking on the link, the browser opens a new window with the URL
; https://<host_address>/. This can be changed by modyfing the context template.

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Below you find some advanced stuff
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Configure different state related settings
; State coverage/weight: This defines the state handling behaviour. For example
; a critical state will cover a warning state and an acknowledged critical
; state will not cover a warning state.
; These options are being used when calculating the summary state of the map
; objects. The default values should fit most needs.
; Colors of the different states. The colors are used in lines and hover menus
; and for example in the frontend highlight and background event handler
; Sound of the different states to be used by the sound eventhandler in the
; frontend. The sounds are only being fired when changing to some
; worse state.

; -------------------------
; -------------------------

The important information is not inside this file as it is the factory default settings.
Inside the conf folder i mentioned are the relevant informations.

there is no path ~ /etc/nagvis/nagvis.ini.php on the CheckMK server.

oki … if you open your monitoring

you are landing in the CMK GUI
if you type
you are landing direct in Nagvis

that’s not possible for me. I’ve tried all possible solutions.

This folder must be inside your CMK site.
If not there is really something broken.
The following files should be inside


I found all files. Only cmk_backends.ini.php is missing from the server.
How can I create this file? What should I write in the?

This file is created automatically if you create a CMK site.
It must be possible to open the webinterface like @BH2005 wrote.
There you have the menu items to create or modify the backends.
If this is not working i would recommend to create an empty new site and take a look at the config files created.

1 Like

Danke Andreas,
der Tipp mit der neuen Site hat uns geholfen.
Wir konnten so das Problem nach Abgleich der Konfigdateien lösen.
und wir mussten diesen part entfernen aus der production.



Hello Guys, Hi @andreas-doehler ,

we have all the files present and I cannot find any errors in the map config files.
When i call the url http://mycmk/mysite/nagvis like @BH2005 mentioned i get “too many redirect” error. this happens after we upgraded from 1.6.0p22 to checkmk2.0.0p3.

checkmk menu snapin shows only “LogonMultisite: Nicht angemeldet.”

do you have any suggenstions how to resolve this issiue?

thanks in advance!

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