NagVis Werk #14283 still not fixed in 2.1.0p8?

I had to edit the ~/etc/nagiv/apache.conf adding an Options +ExecCGI at line 15

# Handle locally installed files via the internal URI /«site»/nagvis/local
# These files are stored below local/share/nagvis/htdocs
<Directory ~ "/omd/sites/«site»/(share/nagvis/htdocs|tmp/nagvis/share|local/share/nagvis/htdocs)">
  Options +ExecCGI
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None

This is due to gadgets lie in ~/local/share/nagvis/htdocs/userfiles/gadgets while the update from the werk only extends options of ~/nagvis/userfiles/gadgets (neither local/share nor htdocs there).