Need to monitor Linux customized port and services

Dear All,
I am trying to monitor custom port and service in centos server.
can some one please help me to install the same.

Thanks in Advance.

Sudherson E

Hi @sutherson

You can e.g. monitor a TCP port with the rule “Check connecting to a TCP port” as active check. If you are using a CMK server with 1.6 or above, the default CMK agent checks include “systemd services”.


Hi Openmindz,

Thanks for your information.

currently we are using Check-MK 1.4 version. please help on this.

Sudherson E

Hi @sutherson

OK, so… time for an upgrade…:slight_smile:
No, seriously, what kind of service do you want to monitor?


Hi ,
we need to monitor the custom port number like 9000

Hi @sutherson

You can do this with the corresponding rule. This should prove helpful:


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