No Email Notification possible

You don’t need a complete MTA setup. The docker container of CMK is using nullmailer that is also providing the /usr/sbin/sendmail binary.
That’s all what you need.

Only if you select “Enable synchronous delivery via SMTP” inside the notification rule.
Code from the mail notification plugin.

def send_mail(message: Message, target: str, from_address: str, context: dict[str, str]) -> int:
    if "PARAMETER_SMTP_PORT" in context:
        return send_mail_smtp(message, MailString(target), MailString(from_address), context)
    send_mail_sendmail(message, MailString(target), MailString(from_address))
    sys.stdout.write("Spooled mail to local mail transmission agent\n")
    return 0