Notify msteams throws error (import requests, no named module) - but it´s allready installed

new day, new try, new error :sweat_smile: (changed to python3, → replay notify via webgui → notifications)

> Traceback (most recent call last): -- File "/omd/sites/azure/local/share/check_mk/notifications/msteams", line 10, in <module> -- context = dict([ (var[7:], value.decode("utf-8")) -- File "/omd/sites/azure/local/share/check_mk/notifications/msteams", line 10, in <listcomp> -- context = dict([ (var[7:], value.decode("utf-8")) -- AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'


46  2022-04-27 09:20:58,710 [20] [cmk.base.notify] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    47  2022-04-27 09:20:58,710 [20] [cmk.base.notify] Analysing notification (XXX-PKR) context with 36 variables
    48  2022-04-27 09:20:58,711 [20] [cmk.base.notify] Global rule ''...
    49  2022-04-27 09:20:58,711 [20] [cmk.base.notify]  -> matches!
    50  2022-04-27 09:20:58,711 [20] [cmk.base.notify]    - adding notification of monitoring via msteams
    51  2022-04-27 09:20:58,712 [15] [cmk.base.notify] Global rule 'Notify all contacts of a host/service via HTML email'...
    52  2022-04-27 09:20:58,712 [15] [cmk.base.notify]  -> does not match: The host's name 'XXX-PKR' is on the list of excluded hosts
    53  2022-04-27 09:20:58,712 [15] [cmk.base.notify] Global rule 'Only one notify during a service problem'...
    54  2022-04-27 09:20:58,712 [15] [cmk.base.notify]  -> does not match: This rule requires membership in a service group, but this is a host notification
    55  2022-04-27 09:20:58,713 [20] [cmk.base.notify] Executing 1 notifications:
    56  2022-04-27 09:20:58,713 [20] [cmk.base.notify]   * would notify monitoring via msteams, parameters: url_prefix, webhook, bulk: no