Octet conversion trouble

Ok that makes a lot of sense based on how speed is calculated with the octets. I did some implamentation using that function but I still must be understanding something incorrect cause the numbers are not lining up when i look at both ends of a connection.

here is the plugin code where i am using the function suggested.

def check_nokia_9500(item, section):
    for x in section:
        if item == "Interface " + x[1] + " " + x[0][2:3] + "/" + x[0][3:5]:
            now = time.time()

            value_store = get_value_store()

                inputvalue = get_rate(value_store, 'nokia_inbound_octets', now, float(x[9]), raise_overflow=False)
            except GetRateError:
                inputvalue = 0
                outboundvalue = get_rate(value_store, 'nokia_outbound_octets', now, float(x[10]), raise_overflow=False)
            except GetRateError:
                outboundvalue = 0

            yield Metric("nokia_inbound_octets", float(inputvalue))
            yield Metric("nokia_outbound_octets", float(outboundvalue))

            yield Result(state = State.OK, summary = "[" + x[1] + "], Speed: " + render.nicspeed(int(x[3]) / 10))
        elif item == "Interface " + x[0]:
            yield Result(state = State.OK, summary = "[" + x[1] + "], Speed: " + render.nicspeed(int(x[3]) / 10))

I was hoping now with the new calculated value that is being put into the “yield metric” I would just be able to apply the “bits/s” unit in the metric file but that isn’t coming out with the right numbers. Is there a calculation I am missing? or maybe I’m not doing the get_rate correctly and so the data I’m putting in isn’t correct?