Pacemaker pcs v2.1.6-9 on RHEL9 breaks check_mk-heartbeat_crm

At some point I hope this is addressed by an updated plugin, but until that time, I’ve made the following not too ugly change to the Linux agent script to make the crm_mon output look like the older output so that the plugin will work. This change strips off the server info from the “Last Updated” line, and changes the unrecognized “Promoted/Unpromoted” syntax back to “Masters/Slaves”.

 TZ=UTC crm_mon -1 -r | grep -v ^$ | sed \
         -e 's/^ //; /^\sResource Group:/,$ s/^\s//; s/^\s/_/g' \
         -e '/Last updated/s/ on.*$//' \
         -e 's/Clone Set/Master\/Slave Set/' \
         -e 's/Promoted/Masters/' \
         -e 's/Unpromoted/Slaves/'