Ping ipv6 with perfdata

I followed this thread but this only works for IPv4 for me. I cannot get it work with my IPv6 host address. If I only activate this rule, only IPv4 has perfdata and I think the IPv6 check is still the one without this rule. If I try to change to an IPv6 option, it never get’s my configured address. I could add my IPv6 address to the additional field but I think it has to work with the default IPv6 host address.
I am pretty sure it is a very easy solution but I don’t see it.
Here is my errorcode:
check_icmp: Failed to resolve $: Name or service not known
and the check command for option “all ipv6 addresses”
check_mk_active-icmp!-w 200.00,80% -c 500.00,100% -6 $HOST_ADDRESSES_6$ $HOST_ADDRESS_6$

So I found a workaround / solution for myself.
I create a classical active check with the following command line:
~/lib/nagios/plugins/check_icmp -6 $_HOSTADDRESS_6$
and activated “process perf data”.
This works for me now.

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