Pnp4nagios graphs in distribututed monitoring not shown - strict-origin-when-cross-origin

If you get too many redirects it looks more like your Apache is also serving the domain “
What i test in such a setup is the following.

Only if this works i continue with the config of the slave connection inside WATO.
There are many possible approaches for the configuration of your Apache.

Most examples i find are like the ones you posted.

<Location /remotesite>
  Options +FollowSymLinks
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteRule ^/.+/remotesite/(.*) http://remoteip/remotesite/$1 [P]
  RewriteRule ^/.+/remotesite http://remoteip/remotesite [P]


ProxyPass "/foo" ""
ProxyPassReverse "/foo" ""

This should also work if i remember correctly.
If you follow the Apache documentation, the ProxyPass is the better and preferred way :wink: