Raw edition missing latest Sectigo root cert

I’m having to add the newest Sectigo root cert manually to my check_mk installation because it can’t auth against our LDAP servers that have renewed Sectigo certs. It works for about a week and then it disappears again. The file I’m editing is “/omd/sites/mysite/car/ssl/ca-certificates.crt”.

Can we get it added in the next patch please?

https://support.sectigo.com/Com_KnowledgeDetailPage?Id=kA03l00000117LT links for root cert are half way down.

You need to install the new cert inside your Linux system. The file “/omd/sites/mysite/car/ssl/ca-certificates.crt” is a copy of the system cert file plus your own installed certs inside the site.

There are no certs distributed with CMK. It is better to check with your distribution mailing list if you can make a bug report there.

Add your own CA certs via WATO -> Global Settings -> Site Management.

The file you mentioned is automatically generated.

Thanks, tried that and it gets wiped out at some point and I have to add it again.

Add the certs to the system and let CMK update the own ca-certificates.crt file.

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