Recovery notification always comes with SERVICEPROBLEMID = 0 (jira)


I’m currently testing Jiraintegration. I’m able to let checkmk create jira issues when a service fails.
I configured the jira notification method to resolve issues with transition id 31.
Unfortunately this is not happening. I do get a recovery type notification but with the SERVICEPROBLEMID of 0. The checkmk jira plugin is not able to find an issue with the CMK_SVC_FIELD value of 0 in jira. So assumes that this notification corresponds to a new issue which doesn’t fit to the type of recovery.

I read that someone solved this problem using LASTSERVICEPROBLEMID but I have the problem id in no field of the notification context.

How do I get the referencing ProblemId into the SERVICEPROBLEMID field?

Thank you for your help!

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