[Ruleset] Create new active HTTP check via API

No, the REST API still works with adding new active checks:

{"ruleset":"active_checks:http","folder":"\/folder","value_raw":"{'name': '[vHostCtrl] myuri', 'host': {'address': 'myuri', 'virthost': 'myuri'}, 'mode': ('url', {'onredirect': 'follow'})}","conditions":{"host_name":{"match_on":["server"],"operator":"one_of"}},"properties":{"description":"__vhostctrl_version__1"}}

to: check_mk/api/1.0//domain-types/rule/collections/all.

results to:


But my other issue still persists via REST: [REST API] Activate changes not working: "Currently there are no changes to activate."

Exception 'Exception' with message 'Activation failed! {"title": "The operation has failed.", "status": 422, "detail": "Currently there are no changes to activate."}'

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