Scheduled notifications possible? API? Scheduled test of notification rules?


I use some simple script as local check to generate a service that goes crit once a week. This service can be treated as any other and can be used in notification rules, we use it to test our SMS gateways. You might adjust this to your needs.


# Description:  checkmk check that goes CRIT at a configurable date and time
#               and stays CRIT for a configurable count of seconds.
#               Useful for testing nofication subsystem on a regular base,
#               e.g. SMS gateways.
# Maintainer:   (ttr)
# Version:      0.1
# Created:      16.10.20
# Usage:        - checkmk local check
#               - discover service "SMS" and enable notification for that
# Changelog:    0.1   - 16.10.2020 - ttr
#                      - initial

# date of status change to crit
SMS_DATE="11:50 Fri"

# seconds to stay in CRIT state:

# the messages, checkmk local check syntax
GOOD="0 SMS - SMS gateway, next check "$SMS_DATE
BAD="2 SMS - SMS gateway test message"

# calculate seconds to go
s=$(echo $(($(date -d "$SMS_DATE + $DURATION sec" +%s)-$(date +%s))))

# evaluate
[ $s -gt 0 -a $s -lt $DURATION ] && echo $BAD || echo $GOOD
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