SSH broken as Check_MK site user

Thanks for pointing that one out for me. Now from what I understood from the German, the original poster “solved” his issue by switching to Ubuntu. For us that’s not an option.

But in the thread something interesting was pointed out. And that is to use LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ when running ssh as the site user.

So in /opt/omd/versions/2.0.0p12.cre/lib/python3/cmk/special_agents/ I made this change:

    # fetch information by ssh

    cmd = "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ ssh -o ConnectTimeout=%s %s %s@%s '" % (opt_timeout, opt_any_hostkey, user, host_address)

And that gets the IBM V7000 plugin working. It discovers all services and monitors them.

Normally I’d say case closed, but I believe this is something that should be fixed. Now I’ll have to manually edit this after every upgrade just to keep it working. Maybe as a workaround it’s possible to put an OS detection in the plugin that uses the LD_PRELOAD when running on SLES 15?