Status of Python 3 support for the agent

In the development branch, we have already completed the Python 3 migration (to 3.8). We are now cleaning up some remnants of the transition in a few places.

Regarding agent plugins, we will develop our plugins in Python 3 and provide Python 2 backports for compatibility with old systems. We will generate these automatically from the Python 3 code.

In the bakery you will have the possibility to configure which Python version is available on which system via a rule chain. Accordingly, the agent packages are packed together correctly.

The Windows-Agent will deliver its own Python 3.8 starting with 1.7, so that we don’t need the frozen-binaries (logwatch, agent updater) anymore. Other plugins, such as mk_postgres, will therefore easily work across platforms. Also own plugins can be developed with this Python 3.8.

So far we have no plan to ship our own Python under Linux / Unix. In the sense of uniformity this would be great, but it would not be easy to maintain.