The ability to open "Custom Notes" from action menu with a given target

Rulesets “Notes URL for Hosts” or “Notes URL for Services” can define URL for action menu “Custom Notes”, but if someone wants to point this URL to a webpage with X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN, the browser can’t open it in the frame of CMK (only Blocked by Content Security Policy will appear). Please change the default target to a new tab (_blank) or add the target parameter to the ruleset. Thanks

instead of “Notes URL …” I use: Global settings -> Custom icons and actions and the rule in “Host & Service Paramters” -> Custom icons or actions for … in status GUI.



Hi Karl,
Great suggestion! Thank you very much!
… only drawback I found now, that it is not propagated into superior CMK Multisite (through livestatus), notes url propagates…

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