"Unexpected allowed IP ranges" monitor..how can i disable?


I am getting unwanted “Unexpected allowed IP ranges” alerts, but i can’t see where to turn off. Can anyone tell me where that can be done?


Hi nickjwest1

I think you might be looking for the ruleset Status of the Checkmk services (2.0) / Status of the Check_MK services (1.6).
There, you have the option to configure State in case of restricted address missmatch, which you would have to set to OK to no longer get this warning.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Kind regards


Perfect. Many thanks as that was bugging me.

Hey, I tried to find the ruleset but couldn´t find it… Do you mind sharing a screenshot?

This is the rule you need to modify.


Thank you so much, I have found it and applied it! :grinning:

Thank you. It helped me a lot too. :slight_smile:


I have recently added an agent rule and applied it to my linux servers. Now I’ll get the same message and I start to think that I might have to edit the agent configuration on the servers as well?

I guess, the server is not pushing this rule to the agents (like a group policy) but instead verifies if the agent configuration meets the server rules, this is why it returns a warning? I just can’t find where to do so?


What you need to do depends on your setup.
For an CMK enterprise with agent bakery you “only” need to bake and sign the agents and after some time all registered agents should have the right configuration.
For the RAW edition or Enterprise without bakery you need to adjust the “check_mk.user.yml” and replace this file on the installed agents manually or with the help of some software management. Reload the agent config and the message should be gone.

Hello Together,
after I upgraded to Raw Version 2.2.0p12 and the agents I got the same warning on Linux hosts and didn’t find a solution/workaround yet.
The message ist: Unexpected allowed IP ranges (missing: 192.168.X.Y)
On an Windows host it is possible to edit edit the yml file and add ‘only_from: 192.168.X.Y’. But is there a way for Linux? Any config file or setting there to solve this warning?
I also tried to set a rule like andreas-doehler showed in his post but I am missing the point ‘State in case of restricted address missmatch’. It isn’t there I can’t set this rule.
Does anyone have a hint for me?
Many thanks in advance.

Hello Together,
I had an active rule called “Allowed agent access via IP address (Linux, Windows)”. I randomly saw this active rule I set a long time ago. I disabled this rule because I thought it might be related to my problem and I was right. No more Unexpected allowed IP ranges (missing: 192.168.X.Y) warnings. It’s certainly not the most elegant way to solve this warning and not so good in terms of safety, but I can live with that.
Best Regards,