Updated version of the CVE-2021-44228-log4j plugin avilable

Thanks for your quick response!
I remove everything from my “old” config. Extensions, agent rules eg… Download v20220205 from your github, 3.0.5 too. Upload complete successful! Reassign my rules back. After a couple of minutes, the first servers shows me new data:

SCAN OPTIONS: --all-drives --report-path c:\windows\temp\log4j_report.json --report-json --scan-logback --scan-log4j1 --scan-zip --silent
SCRIPT VERSION: 20220114.v0.0.4
BAKERY VERSION: 20220307.v0.1.2

Logpresso CVE-2021-44228 Vulnerability Scanner 3.0.1 (2022-02-13)

I think, issue is resolved…
