Upgrade from 1.5.0p23 to 1.6.x - questions

Hi Karl,

the master node is the one with weird issue,

entry looks like this

‘network’: {‘url_prefix’: ‘http://REDACTED/network
/’, ‘user_login’: True, ‘insecure’: True, ‘disabled’: False, ‘replication’: None, ‘globals’: {‘wato_hide_varnames’: False, ‘wato_hide_help_in_lists’: False}, ‘proxy’: None, ‘multisiteurl’: ‘’, ‘status_h
ost’: None, ‘socket’: (‘local’, None), ‘disable_wato’: False, ‘alias’: u’San Jose DC’, ‘timeout’: 10, ‘persist’: False},

when I try to edit the site connection in WATO I get this error:

You can only configure a local site connection for the local site. The site IDs (‘network’ and ‘netwk_stage’) are not equal.

the URL looks wrong, it should be http://REDACTED/netwk_stage but for some reason it’s showing up as “network” instead