UPS battery alert when self-test

The OID the check fetches are the correct ones to see the self test date and the calibration result. The wording is not correct. Inside the check there is no test if a calibration is running only the self test check.

    if state_output_state != "":
        # string contains a bitmask, convert to int
        output_state_bitmask = int(state_output_state, 2)
        output_state_bitmask = 0
    self_test_in_progress = output_state_bitmask & 1 << 35 != 0

The same can be done for calibration is running on the same bitmask.
If i counted correctly it should be.

    calibration_in_progress = output_state_bitmask & 1 << 54 != 0

As a result you need two options inside the rule set.
Option 1 - time after self test without thresholds
Option 2 - time after calibration without thresholds - this time is significant longer than the first one as the battery is drained to around 25%

Important here is the time after the self test and calibration.

As addition you need to specify what should happen while the test is running.