UPS battery alert when self-test

Hi Andreas,

i still think that the wording is correct, but we took the lastselftestdate and not the lastcalibrationdate.
Mainly because it wouldn’t make sense to configure a longtime alternate battery threshold after a self-test.
Also we know and consider the calibration state already. Variable is “calib_result” and as long as it has “calibration in progress” the state of check will be Ok.

But you’re right that we also should consider a short amount of time after the self-test when the battery is reloading again.

So i would suggest to add a checkbox to “Levels of battery capacity”.
As example: “Ignore configured levels while self-test is running + 10 minutes”


edit: Ok, the post-selftest timespan will be a problem, as we just have the date, not any time.
So we can switch off the battery check while running the self-test, but it will be on warn/crit when the self-test is finished and the battery is not fully loaded again.