Voicing your questions about Checkmk Development

Dear community members,

We have discussed your feedback within the team and would like to create a space, in which we can discuss our proposals and next steps.
We will set up a series of closed community calls in English and German, so that we all have the option to speak openly and directly with each other.

We would like to be as transparent as possible in these calls, thus these calls will not be recorded and the calls will only be open to active forum members or Checkmk customers.
Thus you will have to register for it with either your real name, email and provide your forum name, if you are a Raw Edition user.

We will of course also share a high-level summary here in the forum.
We need some time to decide on some technical details: to set up registration form and the call details. We hope to provide those early next week.

Three dates will be available, so everyone who wants to join, could already block that:
German: 13th of February, 11:00 (CET)
English: 14th of February, 15:00 (CET)
German: 16th of February, 10:00 (CET)

Sara and the team