Warranty or end of contract date for a host


It would be strange for me if this isn’t already possible, but I don’t seem to be able to find where to configure it.

I’m changing from nagios to Checkmk where I had a plugin that checks for a warranty date, so I was able to set a date, a warning and critical number of expiredays, a serial and some information for a host. This number of days before the expiredate, I would get a warning or a critical notification. This was extremely handy in following up the end of contracts or for renewals. As you are monitoring the device already anyway, all the information is in one place.

Does such a feature exist in Check mk or are you interested in implementing it ?

Hosts can have custom attributes where you could store this additional information.

A custom active check could then use this information and report on it.

FWIW I would do this with Ansible local facts and a local check.

I would organize in a cmdb application.
My workaround for problems like this is a textfile with all all informations and checks for the informations inside the file.

Hello @r.sander,

An active check sounds interesting. I have already experimented a bit, and I was able to make the WATO gui part (active check, add for host) where I now can enter a date, a serial and extra information.

However, I don’t understand yet how I can make a host check this service. From the documentation I understand that you should have an inventory_function and a check_function, those get triggered when the agents sends a <<<>>> tag for example. But my hosts (printers etc) are agentless. How can I trigger the check there (so that “warranty” gets discovered for that host) ?

Can somebody point me in the right direction?


I meant a Nagios plugin style active check that just gets the custom attribute passed as a variable.

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