Where to setup criteria for OK warn or Critical

Hi Team

I m using 1.6 check_mk , i observe that , my machine cpu was crossing 200 % and load average was also 10:9:9 , still check_mk not shown any critical message, it was showing as OK only , can you please tell me where can we set the configuration for all results for critical , warning and OK ?

The easiest way is to use the icon

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Hi Andreas

THis wayi have to setup for each server ,
how i can set the comman rule ? for all servers ?

You only have to modify the conditions for the rule you create.
It can be for a folder, host or all hosts.

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Thanks Andreas for the suggestion

Hi Andreas

i m setting below value with local plugin for some daemon process.
P myservice3 count1=28;30;40|count2=25;23;27|count3=66;65;70 OK - This is my custom output"

my small question regarding graph which gets display .
i want to display count1 as count , count2 as Percentage (%) and count3 as MB memory on y axis , how i can achieve the same ?

It would be better to put this is a new topic. As it has nothing to do with the other things here :wink:

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