Windows Printers - enhanced agent check via plugin

Code is below (with my comments included), I’ve currently got it creating the same output as the original, but with the PrinterStatus and DetectedErrorState set to 1 (If I could NOT include these I’d be happy).

Line 22 below is commented out but would include all the columns I’d like to use. I also aim to graph the outputs, but it looks like I’ll need to use Grafana for this…

$CMK_VERSION = "2.1.0p21"
# Output is a 4 column table of (Name: str, Jobs: int, PrinterStatus: int, Detectederrorstate: int)
# Name is a string that may contain spaces
# <<<win_printers>>>
# Printer Stockholm                     0                   3                   0
# WH1_BC_O3_UPS                         0                   3                   0

$pshost = get-host
$pswindow = $pshost.ui.rawui

$newsize = $pswindow.buffersize
$newsize.height = 300
$newsize.width = 150
$pswindow.buffersize = $newsize

Write-Host "<<<win_printers>>>"
# $Data_Set1 = Get-WMIObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler_PrintQueue | Select Name, Jobs | Sort Name
# $Data_Set2 = Get-WmiObject win32_printer | ?{$_.PortName -notmatch '^TS'} | Select Name, @{name="Jobs";exp={$null}}, PrinterStatus, DetectedErrorState | Sort Name
#Replacing Data_set1 and 2 with a new data set 2:
# $Data_Set2 = Get-WMIObject Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler_PrintQueue | Select Name, Jobs, @{name="PrinterStatus";exp={0}}, @{name="DetectedErrorState";exp={0}}, JobErrors, JobsSpooling, MaxJobsSpooling, TotalJobsPrinted, TotalPagesPrinted  | Sort Name

# taking off the additioanl unneeded columns
$Data_Set2 = Get-CimInstance Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler_PrintQueue | Select Name, Jobs, @{name="PrinterStatus";exp={1}}, @{name="DetectedErrorState";exp={1}} | Sort Name

#  Merge the Job counts from Data_Set1 into Data_set2
#  Both "lists" are sorted into ascending Name order, so matching and merging is simple
# Don't bother with this
#$i = 0
#$d1 = $data_set1[0]

#foreach ($d2 in $Data_Set2) {
  #  iterate through data_set1 elements until their "Name" >= the curent data_set2 element's "Name"
  #while ($d1 -ne $null -and $d1.Name -lt $d2.Name) {
	#$d1 = $data_set1[++$i]
#  }
  #  if we have a match, store the "Jobs" value from data_set1 in data_set2,
  #  and move on to the next data_set1 element
  #  if we don't have a match, data_set1 element's "Name" > data_set2 element's "Name",
  #  so keep the data_set1 element and go on to the next data_set2 element
  #if ($ -eq $d2.Name) {
  #  $d2.Jobs = $d1.Jobs
  #  $d1 = $data_set1[++$i]
 # }
# }
#  If the "Jobs" element is Null, the printer was found in data_set2 but not in data_set1, so ignore it
# So we've replaced all the 'complex' faffing with one command line I don't know what CheckMK will do with the rest of the data or if it'll break everything.. 
# Going to have to find a tutorial to write add-ins
$Data_Set2 | where { $_.Jobs -ne $null } | format-table -HideTableHeaders