Wrong value for size of Total Capacity StoreOnce

I am having a problem with the storeonce plugin. The storeonce data does not match the raw checkmk 1.6.0p9. For example Total Capacity put PB
Store eleven
Name value
Total Capacity 29.91TB
Free Space 29.42 TB
Used Space 488.77 GB
Status Mounted

Total Capacity 1.63% used (227.6 TB of 13.6 PB), trend +4.34 GB / 24 hours

I want to know if it is a plugin problem or mine . I don´t know if I am missing something to configure. Another thing that strikes me is that there are very few recognized services.
Any help I appreciate a lot.

A first step for the troubleshooting would be the output from the special agent.
You can find this data inside “~/tmp/check_mk/cache/hostname”

There you should find some lines like the following.

localCapacityBytes      75952808613643
localDiskBytes  22344832993627
localFreeBytes  50913720534795
localUserBytes  82628407208398
combinedCapacityBytes   75952808613643
combinedDiskBytes       22344832993627
combinedFreeBytes       50913720534795
combinedUserBytes       82628407208398

My system has 70TB and the value is correct there.
As i have no cloud storage, booth values local and combined are identical.

Can you have a look your data?

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In my case it matches but the checkmk does not show it well. What could be happening?

localCapacityBytes 29906854557942
localDiskBytes 4268032
localFreeBytes 29418081597686
localUserBytes 0
combinedCapacityBytes 29906854557942
combinedDiskBytes 4268032
combinedFreeBytes 29418081597686
combinedUserBytes 0

Your localUserBytes = 0
it’s strange.

That is ok if the storage is new and empty :slight_smile:
I saw a difference between my system and the actual 1.6 inside the check function.
At the moment i have no possibility to test if there is a bug inside the actual 1.6 version.

He says he has 488.77 GB Used Space

The user bytes i think are not so important as only the capacity and free bytes are used inside the check.
But i cannot say correctly as i cannot access my storeonce at the moment.

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After a look at my storeonce check i saw that the factor inside the storeonce.include file is completely wrong.

def check_storeonce_space(item, params, values):
    total_bytes, cloud_bytes, local_bytes = _get_storeonce_space_values(values, "Capacity")
    free_bytes, free_cloud_bytes, free_local_bytes = _get_storeonce_space_values(
        values, "Free Space")
    factor = 1024 * 2
    yield df_check_filesystem_list(
        item, params,
        [(item, total_bytes / factor, free_bytes / factor, 0)])  # fixed: true-division 

I don’t know why the factor is “1024 * 2” it should be “1024 * 1024”.
This error was introduce two years before with Werk 6488.
In my system i use the old version before this werk that’s why i have a correct value :slight_smile:

Guaooooo!!! Thank you very much for your help and for the time.

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