Your participation is needed: Shape the new Checkmk user experience

i operate a fairly big monitoring site with ~2.2k hosts and ~120k services for ~18 IT teams.

I often get asked by my “normal monitoring users” how to configure things or find something in checkmk. Mostly because they are confused by the amount of ways to do such things.

When you work everyday with checkmk, you know your way around. A ux optimization will not make huge impact for checkmk admins.
in my opinion you need to focus on those part time users of checkmk!

i would love to ask my users to take part in the survery, but i am afraid that they wont do it. at least not on there own. there are a lot of questions that a guest or normal user will not understand, cause they never stumbled on some of the features.

nevertheless: a huge thank you for starting this project!

ciao Matthias