ESX Snapshots Summary

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Hi we are using the vmware vcenter plugin, with the service “ESX Snapshots Summary”
I want to exclude some vm’s from the snapshot check, so I dont gets warning on them.

The warning we get: Count: 1, Powered on: None, Latest: VMname/VM Snapshot 4%2f5%2f2024, 11:32:15 AM Apr 05 2024 09:32:18, Age of oldest: 2 days 21 hours (warn/crit at 12 hours 0 minutes/20 days 0 hours)

Does anyone know how to do this?


You cannot select the VM to check the snapshots. But actually, you can modify the thresholds for the oldest and latest snapshots to not get the warning.

Yes, but I have one VM that need to keep there snapshot, thats why I need to exclude that some how.

IMHO the summary is for all snapshots on your vcenter server. Its also possible to assign a snapshot check to every monitored vm. So you are able to adopt the tresholds vor a given vm

Is it then posibel to change tresholds for at given vm?
So for this vm I can raise the tresholds, if so how?

With the rule “Virtual Machine Snapshots” you can modify the age thresholds for each vm separately. As with all rules, conditions are responsible for defining for which vm a rule counts.

Thanks, my knowledge to checkmk is not great, so can you help how?
I got the alarm, but its on Host ESXi and not the guest os, so how do I set specifik for en guest os computer?
|WARN|[ESXi.domain.local] |[ESX Snapshots Summary]|
|Count: 2, Powered on: None, Latest: ComputerTest01/SnapShotname Apr 08 2024 08:06:58, Oldest: ComputerTest01/SnapShotname2, 11:32:15 AM Apr 05 2024 09:32:18, Age of oldest: 3 days 22 hours (warn/crit at 12 hours 0 minutes/20 days 0 hours)WARN|

The service you see is a service showing a summary over all vm’s. What you need is one service per virtual machine. This happens automatically if you add your vm’s as hosts to CheckMK (be aware that hostnames are case sensitiv, so they need to be identical to the case used in vCenter or you need another rule to modify the vCenter name to host conversion (rule “Hostname translation for piggybacked hosts”)). The result is that you get an “ESX Snapshot” service on each host and can influence the threshold per host there.

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Hi, i have tried that, but does not seem to work.

But its still show as an warning

Do I need to do it differntly?

you are still looking at the wrong service. Please add a host with the name …web07 to CheckMK. Than you should get a service “ESX Snapshot” as service of this new host. The rule you made will than influence this service.