Monitor volatile servers (which are allowed to be down)


I am trying to monitor some servers which don’t have to run all the times. My goal is to handle the shutdown-case in checkmk without getting any warnings/criticals for this servers.

I tried adding the rules " Host Check Command", which removes the CRIT state from the host if down, but this turns the states of the services “check_mk” and “check_mk discovery” to CRIT.

So I tried adding the rule “Status of the Checkmk services” by setting all states to “OK”. In this case the service “check_mk” goes to “OK”, but “check_mk discovery” goes to “Unknown”. I found no solution to ignore the “Unknown” state in case that the system is down. Adding a service translation rule is possible, but not really nice, because even if the host is reachable unknown errors are ignored.

To be honest, I don’t really understand the state translation of the rule “Status of the Checkmk services”: If I have a connection problem and if I set the state to OK, I don’t expect getting another error, because of missing monitoring data. Without a connection I never can have any data…

Do you know how I can avoid any warnings/criticals in the case of the host beeing down (without setting a downtime, because there is no schedule behind this)?

Best regards

You need scheduled downtime.

I have tested the last days with the scheduled downtime and this solves my problem. Thank you very much! :slight_smile: