Netapp monitoring stopped working after upgrade to 2.2.0p23

I did that, ran w/o any issues, unfortunately the file which contains all the output is too big to be uploaded here ( 7MB , limit is for 4MB ).

Any particular section of it that I can put here that’s of interest ?

L.E. I’ve deleted from output about the storage/nic/lifs
file.txt (367.9 KB)

This looks good. Would it be possible for you to file a support ticket with us ?

Also, does this exisiting etapp device support REST API? Maybe you can try the Netapp Rest API speical agent and let us know?

Well, long story short no. We have license bought for X services to use, but no support alongside that license , dont ask me why.

If I recall correctly. I think I tried using the NetApp via Ontap REST API while the special_agent was not working but it didnt retrieve any info, maybe it had something to do with user permissions which only had readonly on the device.