2.0.0b5 (CRE) [agent] Unsupported protocol version: b’ex’


I saw a article " 2.0.0b3 (CRE) [agent] Unsupported protocol version: b’/u’" in a Troubleshooting forum.

i have a same issue with this in 2.0.0b5 version.

i used a 2.0.0b5 aix agent.

and i did Setup -> Agents -> [Access to Agents] -> Encryption: enable mode.

no services discoverd and only can see “Unsupported protocol version: b’ex’”.

i don’t have a /etc/check_mk/encryption.cfg file.

is this bug?

did you setup the encryption as described in the manual:



and i made a encryption.cfg file but it didn’t work

Linux Agent is working fine without encryption setting below.

the patch for 2.0.0b5 mentioned there was applied only to the Linux agent. Can you please run the following command on your AIX host and paste the result back here?

locale -a | paste -sd ' ' -

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